Their Lives (Zenitsu)

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Zenitsu's Pov

Another year of school. Just great. My names Zenitsu and I'm 16 and I live alone somewhat near the high school I go to, which is a living hell for me. Both school and walking wise.

I've never been popular when it comes to anything, you could say I'm basically one of the tv nerds who gets bullied all the time. Only difference is I'm just use to it at this point. So when others bully me I have no reaction, which gets them mad, which gets me with bruises. Not only am I the school nerd but I'm also in charge of the dress code there!! Like it couldn't get any worse for me. I could always try and fight back, but what good would that do me. I've always had this type of mindset since the loss of my grandpa.

He died in such a horrible way, him and my "brother" we're arguing, about me and how I was too weak for anything, (I also was born with a great sense of hearing so I could hear more then the normal person) my grandpa defending me. It got pretty heated so my grandpa left, little did he know that would be the last time he would ever see us again. After the incident, my "brother" basically dipped leaving me alone, saying we were no longer brothers and that he never wanted to see me again. Sucks for me lol.

Anyways today, school is starting up again, and since I'm technically part of "staff" I have to get to school early. It's a 45 minute walk, ugh my life.


I'm now at the gate greetings and checking students for dress code, I'm sure at least for today, that there won't be any major problems. Then, a red headed boy and a girl with brown hair with pink tips start walking in. They must be new, I've never seen them before, the girls kinda cute. Those earrings are nice on the red head... Wait earrings???? Those are against dress code. So I call out, "Hey, red head"

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