Episode 1: The Separation Of Yuna And Her Teammates

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The GUTS-Select members were doing their normal duties, until a wormhole appeared out of nowhere while they were in a combat. Kengo was fighting the Kaiju as Ultraman Trigger, Yuna and Akito were keeping the evacuation protocols under control and the rest of the members were in the Nursedessei.

Yuna: Huh? Is that a wormhole?

Akito: What?

Yuna pointed to the wormhole and Akito was shocked when he saw it. 

Akito: It's heading towards the Nursedessei. I gotta inform the Captain.

Akito calls the Captain.

Akito: Captain, can you hear me?

Captain: Hijiri, what's going on?

Akito: A giant wormhole appeared out of nowhere and It's heading your way!

Captain: What!? Are you sure?

Akito: I'm sure. Yuna was the one who pointed it out.

Captain: Alright.

The Captain contacts the entire team. 

Captain: We need to retreat for now. The wormhole could pull us in in any moment. Nanase, get the GUTS Falcon back to the Nursedessei immediately. Hijiri, Shizuma, find Manaka and get back to the Nursedessei immediately.

Himari: Got it.

Akito and Yuna: Roger!

Akito and Yuna went to find Kengo, while Himari successfully docked the GUTS Falcon underneath the Nursedessei. Meanwhile, the Kaiju got destroyed and Trigger detransformed back into Kengo. Then Akito and Yuna finally found him.

Yuna: Kengo!

Kengo: Guys, what's wrong?

Akito: There's a giant wormhole heading towards the Nursedessei fast and we've been ordered the retreat. 

Kengo: Got it. Let's go before the Nursedessei gets sucked in.

The trio retreated back to the Nursedessei and then it suddenly got sucked through the wormhole as soon as Kengo, Akito and Yuna managed to board the Nursedessei in time and as soon as the emergency exits closed. The systems went haywire and not only that, the Chairman was on board as well as the GUTS-Select members themselves.

Kengo: Wooooaaaaaaah!!!!

Akito: Hang in there guys!

Yuna: Yaaaaaaaa!!!! 

The ship was going through severe turbulence.

Captain: Sakuma, Marluru, what's going on?

Marluru: It appears the ship is going through some severe turbulence.

Tesshin: I'm trying to control the ship!!! Hold on guys!!!!!!!

Then the Chairman walked in.

Mitsukuni: What's going on here?

Captain: We got sucked into a wormhole and we're going through some severe turbulence. Marluru, where are Manaka, Hijiri and Shizuma?

Marluru: They're on board, but the turbulence started as soon as they docked safely inside this ship.

Captain: Alright, tell them to get in here so that we know that everyone's here.

Marluru: Roger.

Mitsukuni: I hope my daughter is okay.

Captain: Once we get them in here, we'll know about their status straight away.

Mitsukuni: Okay.

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