Chapter Thirteen

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Dean slept lightly, and woke as soon as Castiel began to stir. At some point in the night, Castiel had wrapped his arms around Dean, but he looked blearily up at Dean when he opened his eyes.

'What are you doing?' he asked hoarsely, pulling away.

'Nothing,' Dean said hastily, sitting up. 'You were really drunk, I thought I should stay and make sure you didn't fall out of the bed or anything.'

Castiel groaned and rolled onto his back, placing a limp arm over his eyes.

Dean hopped out of the bed, feeling none too fresh himself, and closed the curtains, then poured a cup of water for the King.

Castiel groaned again, holding his head with one hand while he sat up, and taking the cup from Dean.

'How much did you drink?' Dean chuckled, sitting at the end of the bed.

Castiel shook his head. 'I lost track.'

Dean snorted.

'You didn't have to stay,' Castiel mumbled after taking a shaky sip of his water.

Dean shrugged. 'I wanted to,' he said, shivering as he missed the comfortable warmth of the King's arms around him.

Castiel squinted at him. 'Is there something you want to tell me, Dean?' he asked quietly.

'Like what?'

Castiel sighed. 'Nevermind.' He climbed out of bed and sat heavily at the table with his head in his hands.

Dean looked around and noticed that a table had been set up at the far end of the room, covered with platters of food. 'They did that quietly,' he said, getting a muffled noise of agreement from the King.

He helped himself to a plate of food, and brought over a cup filled with raw eggs for Castiel.

'Here, drink this.'

Castiel took it and downed it without looking at it, grimacing and shuddering when he was finished. 'What was that?' he gasped.

'Raw eggs,' Dean laughed. 'It'll make you feel better, trust me.'

'That's disgusting.'

Dean was laughing at him again, when the door opened and Balthazar walked in.

'I've brought you a nice cup of tea - oh,' he stopped when he saw Dean. 'Apologies, I didn't realise you were entertaining.'

'I would hardly call this entertaining,' Castiel mumbled.

'I would,' Dean sniggered.

Castiel glared at him.

Balthazar put down the cup in front of Castiel. 'I was wondering if I might borrow your Lionheart?'

'If you can find her,' Dean said. 'I haven't seen her since we arrived.'

'He means you, Dean,' Castiel grumbled.

'Oh,' said Dean. 'Of course he does.'

Castiel gestured for him to accompany Balthazar and took a sip of his tea.

Dean shoved on his boots and followed him from the room.

'Where are we going?' he asked.

'I thought you might like to go for a walk by the lake,' Balthazar smiled.

It didn't sound appealing to Dean, but he held his tongue. This was still a King he was talking to.

Balthazar only made small talk as they walked through the palace, but Dean got impatient when they reached the shore of the lake.

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