Chapter 3: Secret Outbreak 🤐

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No one POV:
Charli and Alex finish shopping for the day and awkwardly walk home today, both knowing of what Levi had said. As Alex opened the door, a strong gust had blown them in. Alex let out a slight shreak as Levi rushed to her side. "Alex! You alright?" Levi asked as Alex trembled. "Oh, uh yeah. T-thanks." Alex replied with before running off with her bags. She didn't want anything to do with Levi right now because of how shooken up she still was after that gust of wind and the secret. Charli soon after came in and sat down. She went on her phone and scrolled through tiktok. Sora soon walked in from the kitchen with a rather confused look. "What?" "Oh, sorry. I was just wondering why Alex screamed." Charli turned off her phone, took her sweaters off, and began playing with Miss Misa. "Just the wind." she replied blankly before turning away. "Charli, you seem off. Is everything okay?" Sora said as he walked closer to Charli. "Not really, I just have something on my mind." "What is it?" Charli tugged Sora's scarf as a sign to sit with her so she could tell him.

Sora POV:
. I was kinda suspicious of Charli acting so strange, but I figured it was for a serious reason, so I did what she wanted and sat. She stared at me menacingly and whispered "I'm about to tell you something SO top secret that you have to not tell anyone, okay? Not even Jaxx." The way she was looking at me, I could tell she meant it so I nodded and leaned in closer. "Levi likes Alex. BUT DON'T TELL HIM." As the words came out of her mouth, all I wanted to do was gasp. But I didn't. I just glared at her with my jaw dropped. "Wait, really? Oh my gosh. Alevi confirmed." I whispered back as I chuckled. "Hey guys!! What are y'all doing?" , a loud and excited voice yelled over the stairs. Oh no. It's Jaxx. What will we tell him? "Oh hey Jaxx we were just talking!" Charli shouted back at him, trying to not blow our cover. "Oh, okay! Can I join?" No! Wait, if we say no, it might look weird and he'll know we're hiding something. I guess we'll have to let him then. Great. "Sure! Come on over!" I say as he runs down the stairs. Hopefully he doesn't suspect we were telling each other something secret-ish. "Soo, what were we talking about?" Jaxx asks as if he were here 10 minutes ago or something. "Oh, nothing! Just saying how CUTE Miss Misa is!" Charli says as she rubs Miss Misa's stomach. Miss Misa purs and gets up and goes to the stairs. I assume she's going to Levi. "I know what you guys were talking about. Don't worry. ;)" Jaxx whispers as he winks at us. Both of our
eyes widen as we all laugh. Who told him? I wonder. Was there someone else who knew before all of us?


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