Chapter 1

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The moon was a sliver in the sky tonight but still as bright as ever. You sighed, the night cool, as a fine mist lay on the small town. Finally. You had been travelling all day trying to get to the town as soon as possible. You'd been sent here on a mission to kill a demon that was supposedly kidnapping and eating people of the town every other night. Lights were still on, and restaurants were still open with faint music coming from inside a few. You smiled lightly as a certain tune carried you all the way to a small restaurant. You looked in, tempted by music and delicious food after your day of travelling. You turned away, ignoring the temptation, the sooner this demon was ridden, the better. So, you set off, your eyes darting around hoping to see a sign of the demon. As you walked further form the lights and music your sense of bloodlust slowly grew greater and greater, your footfalls became more and more soft, trying to make the least noise you could.

After the warm lights and soothing music had completely faded, you could sense everything a little bit better. You gazed towards the forest that was just outside of the town, the trees were big and loomed above you menacingly. You closed your eyes, blocking out everything but your sense of bloodlust and focused in on it. At the edge of the forest was a massive amount of bloodlust, it lurked around, occasionally darting back further into the forest and then back out again.

'Found you.'

Your eyes snapped open, and you darted towards the mass of bloodlust. You stopped suddenly, hiding just behind a house that was next to the forest. You looked at the demon, sizing it up, nothing special, the typical weak demon that you'd see whenever you came to a small town like this to find the local demon that was sucking it dry. The demon came back out from beyond the trees into the moonlight for a moment, suspiciously eyeing the town and surrounding area. You made sure you were behind a building as its eyes grazed over where you were hiding. Couldn't have the thing spotting you, that would ruin the fun. After a moment of silence, you peaked around the corner and saw the demon's bright yellow eyes staring straight at you. You frowned; how did it know you were there?

The demon then started to run to you headfirst, yelling. Your hands went straight to your katana and waited there for a moment until the demon had reached you and you whipped it out and cut at the demon's throat. It dodged the attack but only barely and then twisted its body to keep running at you, now with its fist raised. You stood for a second, kinda confused. No way in hell was a demon gonna beat even a low levelled slayer with these moves, they were slow and uncoordinated, probably weak as well. You wondered how it hadn't been caught yet. But then the second was up and you stepped aside from the demon, and it ran right past you, almost into the wall of a house. It turned around to face you, took a breath before charging again, slightly faster this time. Again, you dodged it and attempted to slice at its neck, thick blood poured down the demon's neck before the flow stopped as it healed. Again and again, this process went, both of you would dodge each other's attacks and the demon would take a breath before running at you again, faster and faster each time.

You caught on quickly and realised how this demon was terrorising an entire town. It quickly became fast and was showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. You had to change what was happening as quick as possible. You looked around as the demon was taking a breath, your eyes went immediately to the forest that was next to the town, a plan formed in your head. As the demon started to charge at you again, you turned your body so that your back was to the forest. Just like the last few times, the demon ran towards you, faster than last time, but this time you didn't try to slice its neck but rather just stepped out of its way when it tried to punch you. The demon continued its path to the forest before slowing down and turning around but you were one step ahead of it and ran past it, into the forest.

The trees on this side of the forest were thick and tall, they loomed above you, blocking out all moonlight. You glanced behind you to see the demon running after you with no problem catching up to you even while you were running as fast as you could. The thumping of heavy feet soon caught up to you and you stopped and took your katana out, swinging it out in the air. The demon ran right through it, its head coming clean off. The body then slowed and came to a stop where it fell over, the head landing right next to it on the side.

'Huh, that wasn't part of the plan.' You thought for a moment before you turned your back and headed back to the village, your job done. And then the screaming started.

"He'll kill you! He'll rip you apart you fucking monster! He's here! SOKUYATSU!" The disintegrating head was screaming. You turned around, annoyed. Walking back over, you stamped on its head, trying to make the process faster.

"Shut up you little—" You started to say but the head was screaming even louder, your eyes were ringing just at the sound of it.

"He'll kill you! SOKUYATSU! SOKU!" For the next moment the demons screaming got louder and louder until you shoved the butt of your katana into its mouth and then it disintegrated into nothingness. You sighed as you took your katana and wiped the end of it off onto your clothes, disgusted at all the saliva on it. You sat down next to the body waiting patiently for it to dissipate before you left, just to make sure. Who is Sokuyatsu? You wondered. Eh, maybe it's just a friend. Probably just as stupid and weak as he was.

There was a faint sound of clashing, you weren't sure what it was but for all you knew it could just be the music from the town. Whatever. You looked at the demons' feet that were slowly disappearing. Finally. There was a roar of noise for a second from behind you and you stood up immediately, your sense of bloodlust going off. Then there was more yelling and a brief flash of orange-y light. So there is another demon. And its close. You looked back to the town, your work not yet done for the night. You dashed through the trees, avoiding fallen branches and what not. The noise became more and more louder as you ran more into the forest.

Then you stopped. Here was the source of the noise, this Sokuyatsu guy. He looked like the last demon, just bigger, stronger and faster it seemed. But it was already preoccupied. There was a kid that looked to be your age. He had a green and black cubed Haori on and marron coloured hair. But he didn't look like he was going too well. Blood poured from his head, cuts and scrapes all along his Haori, and a sheen of sweat covered the boys' determined face. The demon however looked fine apart from the ugly look of hatred (or was it rage? You didn't know.). Clearly this kid was an amateur and needed help, so you took your katana out of its sheath again and attacked.

𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨.𝐓 || 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora