I Had A Dream Last Night

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I had a dream last night, a dream where you hurt me
It hurts so bad when I think about you,
The memories hurts like fire and hurts like a yellow jacket sting
It hurts more than anything in the world.
The dreams I have are just memories of the past and nothing more.
You hurt me more than I hurt myself, the way you acted made me believe you were a good guy. I try to forget you but it is too painful to lose these memories of you.
I try to sleep at night but I can't

I had a dream last night, thinking of you
I think of what happened at your house when I was in your bed.
The memories kill me more than the pain of my father.
It feels like you ripped my heart out and laughed about it.
I remember what you asked me in the kitchen. Do you remember that?
You looked up at me and asked me that question,
It burns in the back of my head like a wild fire in the woods or a fire in a house

I had a dream last night, was it a lie?
I remember the way you touched me, it felt nice and you was gentle with me
You always whispered you loved me and I believed it
You twisted my mind and manipulated me to the point where I can't stop thinking
Thinking of you and how you used me for months a pond months
Was it a lie? Or did you really love me? Or did you just use me to get what you want?

I had a dream last night it was about you
I think about how we was in the living room sitting in the quietness
I was in your clothes and I sat on your lap and we talked. You remember that?
You told me you loved when you saw me.
You told me I looked good in your hat at work. Remember that?
Remember when you kissed me and held my hand? I do
Remember when you told me you loved me and never hurt me? I remember

I had a dream last night, it was sad
The memories hurt so bad I just want to cry everytime I hear your name
The pain hurts so bad it makes me want to die and cry
The dreams I have are memories of the past and nothing more.
They are in the past and I can only live by what I learned and I was blinded by you
You twisted me and manipulated me to the point I fell in love with you

Poems I wroteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon