chapter 4

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"Are you sure that's what you saw Tobes?" I asked while we continued to walk in the museum.

"Yeah! I am totally sure of it. It was legit man!" Toby answered as he walked a couple of steps in front of me.

It was around 9:30 when I got a disturbing call from Toby when he was at the dentist. He claimed that there was a creature that had asked about Aja and Krel, and traveled through the electrical socket. I was quite skeptical about it since he told me that he took laughing gas at the time.

But he asked me to help investigate what it was, and I obviously had to go.

So there we were, sneaking around in the dark of the museum and the only light source was Toby's hammer and my scimitars that glow in the dark. As we walked more into the center of the museum we heard something come from up ahead of us.

Toby had turned his back and the three of us were now in a circle. As we continued to walk back Toby bumped into something and hit it with his hammer, but he was reached with something else.

As we turned around we saw Aja holding her serator against Toby's hammer.

"Toby? Y/n? What are you guys doing here? There's a bounty hunter on the loose!" She swiftly turned around and swung her weapon in the air.

I looked at Toby and groaned. He smirked and put his hand out. I reached into my pocket and pulled out 5 dollars. We had bet on the creature existing and I had lost.

"Y/n over here didn't believe me when I said that I saw something." Toby had a smug look on his face and looked proudly at Aja.

As our conversation continued I felt footsteps behind me and I saw a green glow behind us. I recognized the green glow to be Aargh. But as I turned around he seemed to be hostile.

"Toby, Y/n, run," Aja quickly brought her weapon up and stood in front of Aargh.

Aja and Aargh were about to fight before Toby and I stepped in between them.

"Aja, wait, this is Aarrrgh!" He exclaimed.

"No need to scream Toby, I'm protecting you." Aja pulled him away and began to reach me as well.

But before that could happen Aargh grabbed me and roared.

"I protect Wingman and Y/n!" Aaargh looked at Aja menacingly and didn't back away.

Toby and I had to explain to Aja and Arrrgh that we knew each other and that there was no threat. Aja and Aaargh apologized to each other and the problem was resolved.

Just as we thought things were going well I saw a flash of light in front of me, followed by an eerie voice calling Aja's name. A bolt of electricity flashed from one part of the room to the other. It finally stopped at the floor and there was a figure standing there with bolts of electricity around it. It wasn't human or troll, and I quickly brought my weapons out.

"Who are you?" Aja jumped in front of the thing and brought her face up to its face.

The thing quickly flashed behind us, almost as if he was teleporting.

"No one special, unlike you. You are worth billions" The creature replied.

A fight between Aja and the creature quickly broke out. The creature had an advantage and shocked her until she couldn't fight against it anymore.

Aarrgh quickly stepped in and put his hands up, pushing the electrical attack against the creature.

Aaargh and the creature continue to fight, while Toby, Aja, and I just watch.

"Oh my god, an alien-fighting a troll. I gotta call Jimbo." Toby exclaimed while pulling his phone out.

My ears pricked up at the sound of my brother's name.

"Toby, we're kind of in a situation right now, could you not?" I gave him a look and he slowly put his phone away while looking annoyed.

All of a sudden a bright flash of white and blue zoomed past us and headed into the electrical socket. Aargh was seen alone in the middle of the museum room looking at his hands. The creature had gotten away. 

A/N: Phew finally updated this story after a while, I got unmotivated so that's why I didn't upload anything before. I didn't proofread this so sorry if it's bad. Have a good day and thank you for reading!

- Zaneri

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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