Psychotic Lover

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Psychotic Lover

POV: Victim (Name: Eric)

(Romance, Stalking, Murder)

I was never good at dating or romance, I always thought it was a cringe thing that people with low standards or little minds did to distract themselves from whats going on in their lives. Then again I never really got asked out by a girl before, people would tease me cause I wore glasses and I was into things normal people weren't into. For example crime shows they would say it was for girls, I was usually reading a book while other kids would be playing on the playground.

But I did have one friend her name was Samantha, she was the prettiest girl I knew, she had long black wavy hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a great personality. If she saw I was struggling with something she would come and ask if I needed any help and she always let me rant to her if I had rough day. We've been friends since the fourth grade, now we're in seniors in college.

Samantha has always had some sort of relationship of some sort with a different guy, I guess neither of us are good at dating.

One day I was late for class so I was in rush and Samantha usually tries to wake me up if I'm late since we get up at the same time and we always text each other good morning. Maybe she was late too.

I'm rushing out to get to class since this was my first time in this Criminology class I've been dying to take ever since I heard about it. I didn't see where I was going and bumped into a really pretty girl, I quickly got up and apologized but then I saw her eyes. She had the most beautiful green eyes, they matched perfectly with her light brown wavy hair. I blushed and helped her up, apologizing again for what I had done and told her I would make it up to her some how.

She told me she wouldn't mind if I took her out for dinner later that day. I quickly got her number and ran off to class, as I'm sitting down in class I realize I never got her name. At this point I'm panicking cause what if she doesn't remember me and she thinks I some weirdo just like people would think of me back in grade school.

I'm thinking this and I see her walk in, the professor saw her and welcomed her by her name. It was Esmeray, it was such a pretty name for a girl like her. Class had started and it flew by for what it felt like ten minutes, I couldn't stop thinking about what I would wear and what'd we do on our date. I barely knew this girl, I only know her because I knocked her over while I was in a rush to get to class.

I guess she felt me looking at her and she turned around at me, I immediately blushed and looked away, all she did was smile at me.

Then I also realize that Samantha hasn't texted me, I pulled out my phone while the professor wasn't looking and texted her.


She then texted me,

"Sorry I was in rush too. What's the girls name though??"

We just began texting me during class, when I felt like someone was watching me. It was Esmeray, maybe she felt like I was ignoring her or something? Anyways we left class and I went straight to my dorm to get ready for my date with Esmeray. I got a knock at my door and I thought maybe it was Esmeray? But she didn't know where my dorm was so it couldn't be her. I opened the door and it was Samantha. She walked in and helped me get ready, I decided to text Esmeray since I had her number.

"Hey it's the guy that ran into you in the hall, and I have Criminology class with you. Just wanted to remind you about our date and that my dorm number is D12, if you want to meet up at my dorm."

I don't know why but I was nervous when I sent it because what if this was all just a prank, and she's someone I knew from grade school and I didn't realize it. I soon got a text from her,

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