Till Death do us Part

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Till Death do us Part

POV: Victim (Name: Leia)

(Romance, Su!c!de, Smut) (WARNING)

I've know my lover since we were kids. He moved in down the street, he was a very shy introverted boy, I was a very bright, happy extroverted girl. I was always good at making friends, but I could be clingy or too over the top. So being the person that I am I went over one day and introduced myself.

He had dark eyes almond eyes and dark fluffy hair. I stuttered saying hello but it eventually came out, "Hi, my name is Leia." He was shy at first but then came out.

"Hi my name is Emrys"

Such a pretty name, for such a pretty boy.

He didn't seem to like me much because I was out going, but eventually after bothering him for months on end he came through. His parents loved me at this point, they said I was part of the family now.

My family seemed to like him too, which was surprising cause he was a little less "fortunate" than us. I didn't mind, I didn't really care at all about the money. Maybe because I was still little and didn't understand it all yet too well.

We grew up together after that, we had been there for each other through everything. I mean "everything" my first period kinda grossed him out, but he became almost like a boyfriend figure to me.

His first game of football in middle school, I cheered for him the loudest. People would assume we were dating, but we just told them we've been friends since we were little and that there was nothing going on.

Emrys had a big game out of state, I begged my parents to let me go, after a couple days of bothering them they finally agreed. They said I could go along with Emrys's family since we had known them for so long they trusted them that they would take care of me. I went over to there house in the morning after everything had be situated. We had to leave at around 12:00 since the game was at 3:00, it was a 2 hour car drive and we wanted to see how looked in Nebraska since we're from Kansas.

We started talking that we would probably have to play in a cornfield since there was only corn in Nebraska. We joke around then as the ride became longer we both fell asleep. I had woken up due to a bump in the road, I never noticed how handsome Emrsy looked while sleeping. I noticed his mom was about to turn to check on us I quickly turned to hide my face. Then I got a strange feeling, like never before. I brushed it off and decided to try to go back to sleep, after an hour of trying I couldn't, Emrsy was on my mind. I knew he was right next to me but, I just like the story thinking about him.

I opened my eyes to see his mom sleeping I quitely leaned over trying not let his dad notice me moving. I caught myself staring at Emrsy again, he looked so calm and everything came rushing to me. I thought to myself, "Do I like Emrsy?" No I couldn't have sure he was my best friend but he's had girlfriends before maybe he still likes one of them. Then I realized I've never had a boyfriend, sure I was pretty mad I knew lots of boys, but none of them ever caught my eye. I looked over again at Emrsy and I knew I liked this boy. I leaned on him and I fell asleep quicker than anything.

Emrsy woke me up saying I had drooled on him, he even took a photo showing me. I reached for his phone to delete it but he moved it out of my reach, he moved it again but I fell onto his stomach. He looked at me, I looked at him I felt my face going red so I quickly got up and apologized. He said it was okay, and showed me the photo again with a smirk on his face, I pushed him and and he just chuckled.

Soon after that we arrived in Nebraska, we actually didn't have to play in cornfield.

We arrived at the school we were playing against, we were the first ones from out school actually. He left me as he went into the boys locker room to go change into his football gear, his parents went to go find a hotel and go to dinner from the trip they needed "bonding time". I saw that he had left his helmet on the bench and I went to go give it to him, but I hesitated, what if there was another guy in there maybe he would think we were dating or something? I went in anyway, as soon as I walked in I saw Emrsy, I completely froze where I stood. He has showered before getting ready, to put his gear on, I never realized how fit Emrsy was. He saw me and froze as well, I couldn't look away I tried so hard, but my eyes couldn't leave his wet hair and wet body just glowing after the shower. I began to notice his erection, my face must've been more red than crimson red at this point. I dropped his helmet and tried to run out, but he caught up with me and locked the door to the locker room.

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