Chapter 1.

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Amity's POV.

Aaaand that's when the story ends. Azura did it,she won! Though she still felt empty. She didn't know what was missing. *Closes book* . Sooo Luz you um you gonna come out. It's not funny anymore. If you're going to try and scare the kids just don't it's not worth it. I go to see if Luz was there but she wasn't. Huh that's strange I thought

Luz's POV.

Go away you FUCKING monster. Shit I tripped. I then saw a claw. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of the forest bleeding out. Then the adrenaline where's off and I scream as loud as I can hoping someone hears me but then everything goes black.

Amity's POV.

*Luz Screaming*
That was a loud scream, I should go see if anyone needs help. When I got there I saw a horrific site, Luz's Cold dead body just lying there,motionless. It was sickening. Her body had long but perfectly straight scratches. This was the work for the struggleback demon. It also appears to be the mother of the den. I picked up her lifeless body and carried her back to the owl house.

Eda's POV.

Who is at my door. I was surprised to see Amity . She was carrying a bloody Luz. I asked if she was ok and she said "No, are you blind or something." She seemed angry. "she was killed by a struggleback demon," said amity "I knew I shouldn't have trusted her to get the eggs." I said "The struggleback eggs hatched like a month ago!" Amity shouted. " well shit," I said. Amity asked , " and what did you want with the eggs?" " well kiddo I was going to make a stirfry", I replied.

Amity's POV.

After what Eda Just said made me want to slightly want to kill her. " Can I at least come in?" I asked. I gently set Luz down on the couch. I than saw something. It looked like Luz and it floated towards me? And it said " even though I'm dead you can still see me!" Said a ghost like Luz, " not gonna lie that sounded kind of weird." " anyways Eda,all I came here for was to drop off a Luz that sentence sounded better in my head," said Amity' " also can you tell me where you're barre the body,I'll pay for the casket even"

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