All is well adapt2address the only way

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Grow live n learn from every bad case which was the results of a previous wrong turn

Somethings are meant to crash n burn
No matter how much both parties may feel their personally sacrificing & attempting to make the right turn
Things still fall left

Mishap after mishap after mishap

They develop a intimate bond from the different vulnerable dealings not all cause of mishaps but due to constant drama & furthering traumas both parties develop inner tension in places they aren't getting the proper attention & objectively speaking neither parties are wrong because both feel as if their being attentive & feel sold short upon why tf is this not workin when playing cards right

But both parties being reflections
& overall dodging each other's negative traumatize projections
Lead to hella back n forwards of both denying verbal bullets both shoot from being hurt from someone they thought they could trust & simply understood
It makes the whole lil relationship a mess from the damned moments & stress overall from too many devastating circumstances playing out ass toxic times filtered by caring too much or simply being attach

When life was simply tryna show sometimes when things start off rocking it's best to early stop it , let it go
Or as observed much time will be wasted & more trauma shall be the cases

I live on & free now I came to such a realization cause yea this experience was fucked for both of us & neither desired all of the fuckery🙆🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ damn humans tryna live

I'll continue to be honest in every scenario but let's anxious to explain aka turning the other cheek will be a thing

Somebody can call you something you don't deny & you still get called delusional & mentally manipulative for simply being considered towards their minds projection & not tryna add to their traumas they still make you a monster for being accountable & not in denial it play out as sarcasm & a excuse to save ones ass

Damn if you do damn if you don't with sum so if that be the sum then early run

All is well
adapt2address the only way

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