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What are you expanding with your attention ?

Is it granting you expansion or causing you tension ?

Is a product of your mind making light in that dimension?

Are the problems in your mind just the results of your attention?


Life is observing what bothers you the most
Indulging in that less
To have less perceive problems
But tension is ever more for attention exist
& attention is focus
Attention is awareness
You are aware
You are focused
You live at attention
Even pay attention to exist
If you didn't pay attention would something be existing
Is something existing when your not paying attention
Or is it only in existence upon reminiscing when paid attention or observing in person & witnessing & then paying it attention
To release tension we must first focus on what has our attention
If I have a steady aching back could it possibly be backed by me feeling in reality or paying attention to the dimension that no one has my back but in reality I witness circumstances of people actually being available for me & in reality having my back, this is like my aching back I live to witness im fine despite feeling such tension. It's like life grants circumstances of more possible ways of expansion more than what we're paying attention to show life is way more than what we're just paying attention to it's ever more expansion in the individuals dimension or personal space/place. It reminded life is more than a few back pains & a few back pains aren't the end of the world.

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