A Push (Part 1) (EDITED)

21 1 0

8:14 pm

Bliss. Rhythm and bliss. Seblia felt it with every move she made on the dance floor. Lost in the flow of the evening. The music, the other dancers, the lighting radiating their hypnotic aura in the air.

And Seblia was completely under their spell.

Every move came to her with ease. The shuffle of her shoulders to the sway of her hips. All led by the music pouring from the speakers like euphoric nectar to the ears.

Along with voices she didn't know.

"Wooo! Go go go!"

"Look at her go!"

"Yeah, honey! Shake those money makers!"

Seblia felt the spotlight of eyes on her. A warm embarrassed feeling washed over her, slipping out of the groove. Acutely reminded of how much her chest bounced. However, she wanted to keep going. The music was too addictive in composition to deny. Embarrassment retreated off her, opting to tune in for the ecstatic cheers. She kept her arms close, keeping her robust chest in check. Her hips became a bigger part of her dance. She twirled, holding her chest as the melody arpeggiated. The sea of strangers continued to holler around her.

Then, it hit her like a freight train.

Seblia dropped out of her groove, stopping to catch her breath. Though delayed, human exhaustion finally caught up to her. The rush of dance was gone. A thin layer of sweat over her. She pulled at her collar to cool her neck off, looking around. Her dancing had migrated her towards the stage and further from the left wall. However, she quickly spotted the bar to the stage's right past a group of dancers.

Ignoring jeers of disappointment, she made her way over. It took some patience, but she slipped through the crowd and off the dance floor. She carried her exhausted body to the bar counter.

The employee tending it picked up a nearby cup, dumping the leftover contents in the sink. "What'll it be, ma'am?"

"Just water," Seblia requested, wiping her forehead with her sleeves. The bartender discarded the cup in the other sink filled with soapy water. He crouched down, opened a small fridge next to the taps and retrieved a water bottle. Unscrewing the cap, he set it on the counter for her.

"That'll be a dollar."

Seblia pulled her wallet out and thumbed out a single bill. "Thank you,"

The bartender pocketed the money and went to help another customer. Taking a huge chug of the drink, Seblia turned around, rubbing the bottle against her face. The dance floor hadn't changed outside of a new song pumping out of the speakers. Instead of heading back in, she walked alongside the floor and observed.

The DJ bobbed his head, working his mixer board with a cocky ease. He was fully committed to his act. She looked ahead, spotting a lounge area with a set of leather low couches and tables. A handful of people were gathered there, most just stood around drinking and talking.

She made her way into the lounge, taking another sip to quench her superficial thirst. Mid sip, something came into her lower peripheral. She choked down the water, quickly side-stepping around a group that were suddenly in her path. Avoiding them by mere inches.

"S-sorry," She relented, throwing an apologetic look before turning away sheepishly. Glancing around, she found the closest vacant couch. Without hesitation, she sat down on the end cushion, giving her legs a chance to rest. To avoid thinking about her near collison, she sat back and brought the bottle to her lips.

"Tired from dancing, hm?" A voice to her left asked.

Though caught off guard, Seblia swallowed her sip and pressed the bottle to her forehead. "Y-yeah, I really shouldn't have worn this sweater-"

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