Into The Grey (EDITED)

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Nick stared at his apartment ceiling.

Sunlight poked through the window shades, casting thin shadows over his bed in the middle of his room. He was still dressed in his clothes from the night before. A blanket haphazardly thrown over him. An arm propped up the pillow he rested on as he stared up. His eyes stung from the restless night.

That's until he felt his phone go off.

He rolled over, pressing it into the mattress as he closed his eyes. But, it kept going off. He pried his groggy eyes back open and dragged himself up, answering the call.

"Hey, Hayl."

"You awake?"

Nick pushed the blanket off and stood up, shaking his head. "Just about."

"Good. Katey and I have been up for a while. Victor's still asleep."

"It was a long night."

"Yeah, it was."

"'s her mother doing?"

Hayley sighed. "Not sure. They're staying at the family's old farm house."

Nick stopped in the bedroom doorway. Beyond it was a tiny living room and kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe, drumming his bandaged fingers - the cuts underneath still stung.

"You really think she's at the cul-de-sac?"

"If Katey or I ever wanted to hang out, we didn't have to look far."

"Should I come over right now?"

"Robert and Lord Aaric won't be here for a while," Hayley paused, gulping. "Ju-just come over before sunset."

Nick stopped drumming his fingers, bringing his hand up to look at them. "Sure thing."

"See you later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later."


The call ended and Nick lowered the phone. He pressed his thumb and index fingers together, squeezing the non-adhesive pads. The healing cuts spread, shooting a spark up his arm. He winced and parted his fingers.

5:34 pm

The grassfield waved in the currents, flapping against Damon and Shelly's ankles. The two stood at the pasture gate, watching the horses gallivant about. Some ran in packs while others ate at the trough. As the sun crept through the sky, Shelly leaned on the gate, resting her folded arms on the top board. She was in a red plaid shirt and dirty pair of jeans full of holes. Damon stood on the bottom rung. He looked at her, seeing the small smile on her lips - it had been too long since he last saw it.

"So, is it how you remember it?" He gestured to the farm around them.

Shelly scrunched her face at the question. She looked around at the house to the barn at the top of the hill. Then, she leaned back against the gate. "Hmm, almost."


She pointed to the barn, smirking. "There ain't a huge hole in the side of the barn."

Damon shot a playful scowl. "Oi! The damn tractor's axel gave out. I couldn't steer."

"Sure, sure." She dismissed, looking around again. "Where is that old thing anyway?"

"Behind the house. The replacement axel Dad put in gave out a while back," Damon stepped off the gate, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. "Couldn't find a new one and it sank into the mud over time."

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