006. titan killer

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"fi... fidelia?"

the said girl looked away from the titan and into mikasa's eyes that lit up with a glint of relief. the brown-haired girl smiled and nodded, confirming that it was really her.

"it's me," tears also streamed down her face like they were with mikasa's.

she wrapped her arms around a shocked mikasa, who soon hugged back and sobbed. the ackerman only held fidelia tighter during this. just when she thought the girl was dead, she revealed herself to be alive.

"i'm so sorry," fidelia apologized. "i was close to dying twice. and eren... i-i'm so sorry! we both lost him because i was too slow."

"don't be. you're alive and that's all that matters. eren wouldn't want you to think that way. i won't let you think that way," mikasa pulled herself away from the hug.

both teenagers wiped their tears away. this was currently not a time to be crying and hugging. though, fidelia couldn't stop it from happening once more.

someone had called her name from behind her. she turned around to see armin with a face filled with disbelief. the boy fell to his knees as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"yo-you're here... but i..." armin began to cry once more.

fidelia embraced him, "you're alright. i thought... i thought you died too after i fell and became unconscious. thank the walls that you're here."

armin's cheek rested on her shoulder while fidelia's face was buried in the crook of his neck. she liked the boy. fidelia was aware of the crush that started when they were cadets, but she would never do anything to jeopardize what they had.

they were friends for so long that fidelia thought that he didn't feel the same. this was the boy who dreamed of seeing the world beyond the enormous walls that kept them caged for what it was, and she was the girl who wanted to venture outside for freedom.

fidelia would be free without the threat of titans. she could live as she pleased without having to be on guard all the time. but was that really her dream, or the dream of her mother?

she wasn't sure and that was another reason to not confess. there would be no way to sort out a relationship when she couldn't even sort out her own motives. that's how fidelia saw it.

"are you three okay!?" connie appeared on the roof too. it was when fidelia replied that they were that connie's eyes were as wide as saucers. "we need to- wait! fidelia!? i thought you were dead!"

the girl swallowed, "i was going to be. to be honest, i should've died. the only reason i was able to be here is because of the titan right there."

fidelia stood up and helped armin too. she then pointed at the large brown-haired and muscular fifteen meter titan that was about to face another fifteen meter that had its mouth open.

"that titan..." mikasa trailed off.

armin at this time noticed the steaming bones of a dead titan at the side. large pools of red were beneath it and he was sure that it was no solider that was able to do it. they were the only ones in the area after all.

"i know it sounds unbelievable, but it saved me. not only that," fidelia and the rest watched as the two titans roared and the pointy-eared one put its fists up, "but the titan knows hand combat and uses it to kill other titans."

the abnormal titan had swung its left fist and beheaded the other titan. after its destroyed hand ripped off, it regenerated. the titan finally finished off the titan on the ground by stomping on its nape.

"h-he finished it off?" armin quite didn't believe it. "did he really know how to kill it? where to hit?"

connie ignored it, "we have to go before it kills us. it's probably just another abnormal."

𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 ; armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now