Requests here!! Closed

433 4 9

Hello this shows you what I'll write

What I will do:
What I won't do (just ask someone else):

Anything inappropriate

Yeah that's pretty much it (I'm kinda disappointed not going to lie)

Requests in the comments,make sure it's in one of the fandoms listed I'll list them again

Gravity falls
Bugsnax (if wanted request character)
Just shapes and beats
Kirby(If wanted request character)
The pink corruption
Mitchells vs the machines
Danganronpa 1,2, and 3( They're about forty-ish not including UDG)
Andy's apple farm
Undertale(It wanted request character)
A hat in time
Super paper mario(Sadly only Dimentio)
Pokemon Johto, Sinnoh and Alola(These regions only,not even going to try they other regions but you can request character) (Maybe Kanto?)

Request are closed for this book

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