Team rocket

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Okay I got a request from RandomThingsOfMine to add team rocket (if you don't know Jessie,James, and Meowth from pokemon) anyways I was taking a break from writing to think about the Danganronpa book I have. Also some of the characters you will either have a romantic or platonic relationship.

How you meet on Alola

James:You were just watching the Pokemon school on your (some flying Pokemon,
mines is some dragon that has the ability frisk, can't remember the name :').) until you saw what appears to be a shooting star in the sky heading straight towards you. Since you didn't have time to react you got hit and slammed into the ground hard into a tree stump knocking you out. When you wake up you see a purple haired man along with a pink haired lady and a Meowth.

Jessie:You went to a shop to get some clothes since you were going to a mountain which was freezing cold when you bumped into her at the store which kinda upset her but you apologize and left quickly.

Meowth:You were out catching pokemon when you run into a Kanto Meowth which you decide to catch until it starts talking which freaks you out until he explains he that some school he went to taught him and you listened until he had to go.

What you do when your bored


-both of you would annoy the heck of ash by throwing fruits at him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-You would play with his pokemon. (Forgot it's name, someone pls tell me ಥ‿ಥ)

- Travel around the region trying to steal pokemon.

- Escape from Bewear hugs



- Go to the beach

- Somehow end up blasting off again?

- Mess up each other's makeup


- Annoyed Mimikyu

-Run from Mimikyu

-Somehow survive from Mimikyu even though you saw what was under the rag

- Gather fruits.


I've be so far from the Alola Pokemon fandom I forgot most of it but I did it.:)
Also I like this emotes or whatever they're called. (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

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