You did it i suposse

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Emily showed me around and explained everything that i needed to know about the job and the pizzeria itself

"i think thats it, if you need something-" he pulled out a small piece of paper with something written on it out of his pocket "-feel free to call or text me"

he smiled and handed me the paper, it had his number written on it, obviously; he told you to feel free to call or text him, of course its his number

i saved his number on my phone and then waved him as he left

i turned around "alright.. sooo.. what do i do fiiirsttt.." i thougt out loud
"i guess...
the most logical option would be..
cleaning the plates? and cups? cant people just, like, throw them away or something?" i sighed "well.. lets get going i guess"

after cleanin most of the pizzeria

"okayy, looks good i suppose" i looked around "what next.." i thought for a bit, then realized "oh- right- i havent cleaned the animatronics yet"
i went back to their stage and chose to clean toy freddy first
"alright then (y/n), there we go"

i moved him to the backroom and got all the things i needed to clean him

"okaaay.." i was just about to remove his face plate as he starts to talk "hey you forgot to-"
"gh-wha-" i fell back "what the hell"

he cleared his troat "uhm.. you-you forgot to power me off-" he seemed a little uncomfortable "oh-uh- sorry- i- uhm-"
i looked at him in slight confusion "its my first day and- and i didnt um- k-know" i felt like a dumbass, of course you power them off before you clean them, theyre robots and thats fucking water idiot

he giggles, kinda shyly, "its fine, im not mad anyway" i stood straight up and powered him off

"god that was so stupid of me.." i thought out loud as i removed his suit parts as carefully as possible and clean him

after that i put all his parts back onto their places "that.. wasnt that hard- well, it was hard, but- not too hard"

i continued to do the same with the other animatronics but theses times i made sure that they were powered off before i started to clean them

when i was done cleaning them i made sure everyone was at the right place and checked the time "5:46 am" my shift is almost over
i sit down and lean back

"this was...

WAY more tiring than i thought"

idek- FNaF 2 male nightguard reader (he/they will be used)Where stories live. Discover now