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This has dirty mentions but ends fluffy ⚠️

Everybody at the guild assumed that Natsu and Lucy were just friends who were crushing on one another. But they don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

It started as something that was only supposed to happen once, and they were never going to talk about it again. They both were inexperienced and needed help for their "future lovers", whoever that might be. It began awkwardly, neither really knowing what to do with the other sex. But they both helped the other with how to pleasure a different gender. It was magical to say the least. They didn't talk about it the next day. All they could do was look at each other from across the guild. Then Natsu showed up at Lucy's house later that night..

Needless to say, they got addicted to each other. It became a constant thing of them say "That was the last time.". Then no more than a week later, they would be with one another again. Lucy's house, Natsu's house, on a job, in hotels, it didn't matter.

Then Natsu left for a year.

Lucy was broken to the core. All she could do was think about him. How he touched her so delicately. Like she was a flower that he couldn't break. She especially thought of him when masturbating. She thought of the way he used to tease her with his words. How they could make each other finish without even touching one another.

Then they found each other again.

They all (including Happy) had a nice talk. A lot of emotions involved. Then later that night after Happy was asleep, Natsu walked into Lucy's room, and slowly got in the bed with her. He thought she was asleep until she rolled over to look at him in the eyes. "Why are you still awake?" "Says you Natsu, you're the one that came and later in my bed." Lucy replied with a soft smirk. "Fair." Natsu said while placing his hand on the small of her back and pulling her closer.

"I missed you.."

Natsu's face held a small frown "I know, and I'm sorry for everything." he said softly, getting slightly closer to her. "No it's okay, I hold no grudges, you probably had your own reason for leaving like that." she said tracing the new scars on his arms. "No, I mean it, it was wrong for me to just leave you alone, I thought you would be fine without me and I would be fine without you. But that turned out to be so wrong.." he said, his voice slowly turning into a whisper. Lucy looked into Natsu's eyes, they were so close. She felt something different this time thought. Of course she always knew about her crush on Natsu, but thins made her think it was something way more than that. It's what she felt every time they were this close. "Natsu.." "Lucy.. can I kiss you?" He whispered while placing a hand on her cheek. Lucy brought her hand to Natsu's hair "Of course.." she whispered back. As the came together, they both for got the world around them. This was a different type of kiss than usual. This was full of restrained love and passion.

After they parted, all they could do was look at each other in the eyes. Eyes that were glossed over with nothing but adoration. "Lucy..I love you." Natsu said pulling the blond closer to him. "Natsu..I love you too, and I have for a long time.." she said with a smile on her face. "I'm so glad! I have for a long time too." Natsu said with a relived face. "Well then why didn't you say anything dummy, I've been waiting!" she yelled quietly as she pushed the boy of the bed. She was trying to act angry, but her beaming smile betrayed her. Natsu chuckled at the girls antics, happier than ever.

Natsu and Lucy slept peacefully that night, embracing one another with smiles on their faces. Ready to wake up and face whatever anyone threw at them. Because it was them against the world.

But they still wouldn't be telling anyone yet.

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