Chapter 2

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It was 5:10 am when I returned back home. I headed to the front gate silently, trying not to make a single slight sound, opened the door painstakingly and headed upstairs to my own bedroom. I got my paint colors, paint brush and a large painting paper out of my drawer then lost myself to the mesmerizing touch of colors. I started to paint spontaneously as if I was a bird flying lightly up high in the sky with my fellow birds. I felt nothing but serenity; I was simply in an utter state of peace of mind.

Having drawn a spectacular drawing with a soft blue background symbolizing the sky and a bunch of birds flying freely together in that sky, I scooted off to bed when I heard a sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs. "It must be my father" I suspected that since my father was always the first one to wake up in the early morning. I didn't really want him to see me awake because I was certain that he'll open a flowing tape of questions that won't terminate. I heard someone knock on the door but I didn't reply. Suddenly the door was opened gently yet it wasn't my father. It was my mother. I was really surprised and wondered why my mother waked up that early.

"I know you are awake Scarlett, don't pretend to be asleep" My mother said nervously

"Mom?"   I said with a quiet voice

"Yes Scarlett. Why were you at the park at 4:00 am? Why did you go out at that time of the day? That's uncanny Scarlett." –My mother yelled

"Mom, I just needed sometime for myself. I wanted to sit alone in a balmy and a serene place. That's all". –I clarified

"You could've sat alone in your own room Scarlett like you always do!"

"Mom, I just needed a walk, that's it" – I said angrily

"Scarlett, listen to me, if your dad knew something about what happened, you would be in a big trouble" –She yelled

Then she stormed out of my room and I attempted to keep calm, nevertheless I trembled. Thinking about what would happen if he finds out. I just wanted to forget about what happened so I tried to sleep however I failed. I couldn't handle that large amount of messy thoughts in my mind; it almost caused me a miserable headache. I took out a pen and a notebook from the drawer beside my bed and started scribbling down whatever filled my mind. "I'm not free and freedom is what I seek most in my life, I would give away all my money for living a moment in utter freedom. I want to be nothing but free" I wrote these thoughts in the notebook without even thinking before writing anything they just came out directly from my heart. "Why do I have to limit myself? Why do I have to confine myself? It's my own life and I have to live it the way I want away from society's conventions!"  Having written my thoughts, I started to calm down. The headache started to fade away gradually, so I felt like sleeping. It was 5:40 am when I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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