Spin the Bottle

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Phil sighed. Why did he even agree to this. He watched the spinning bottle and hoped it wouldn't stop on him. He already knew what he would have to do if he was the one chosen by the bottle. He hated Chris for his merciless attempts to make Dan and Phil see that they were made for each other. PJ stopped to interfere half a year ago. Chris smiled when he watched the bottle slowing down. “Come on, come on!”, he whispered. Damn it. Phil should have known this. That's the reason why he never agrees to playing this game under normal circumstances. But today Dan begged him to play with PJ, Chris and Louise. And because he couldn't resist his best friends adorable smile he agreed.

Maybe Phil wouldn't be that unhappy if Chris' attempts of setting them up would be successful. And maybe Phil wanted the bottle to stop on him if this means he was going to get a kiss from Dan. But he was afraid that he would lose control. And that he would want more after one kiss.

“Yeah!” Chris jumped up when the bottle landed on Phil. He danced around the room a bit, then sat down again. “So Phil”, he started, “I dare you to...”, dramatic pause, “kiss Dan!” He smiled, very pleased in himself.

Phil looked down and pulled at the waistband of his shirt whilst he blushed. Dan looked at him and waited. “Do I have to? Really?” Chris nodded. “Okay then...”

Phil finally moved over to Dan, ignoring the nervous butterflies in his stomach the best he could. He leaned forward and looked into Dans wonderful, gentle, encouraging, deep,... Okay okay. Stop. It's just a short kiss. Come on! Dan looked back and smiled a bit.

Then their lips touched. Just for a second. Phils lips tingled from the gentle touch. Enough Phil! They'll know! Stop! He wanted to pull back but Dan followed him and pressed his lips against Phils even harder.

Phil was confused. What was going on? He opened his eyes – yes, he had closed them. Embarrassing, isn't it? - and looked into Dans eyes again. Dans eyes were smiling and he looked very happy with the situation. Phil stared at him, his eyes widened. Their lips were still connected and Phil couldn't believe what was happening. He never felt such happiness and hope. Could it be that Dan liked him, too?

What felt like hours and hours of sudden realization and pure happiness where in fact just a few seconds. They finally disconnected and Dan looked back to his friends as if nothing had happened. Phil needed some more moments. He just stared at Dan until Chris said: “It wasn't that bad, was it?” Dan laughed and Phil bit his lip, looking down. “Oh come on! Tell me, please?” Phil sighed and looked over to his best friend. “It wasn't okay, I guess...”, he finally muttered. Chris moaned in disappointment. “You two, I swear! It's hopeless...”

The next hour passed slow. To slow for Phil. All he wanted was to get some privacy with Dan to ask him what the heck just happened. Finally their friends said good bye and Dan and Phil were alone again. Dan sat down on the couch, accompanied by his laptop and Phil took a seat on the floor, feeling very uncomfortable with the silence.

“You know, Phil...” Phil looked up and found Dan looking at him. “I just couldn't see you suffer anymore. I had to tell you that I feel the same.” Phils mouth dropped open. Has it been so obvious? And... wow. He needed a moment to understand what Dans words mean. He blinked. “But... You could've just told me Dan!” Dan chuckled. “That wouldn't have been that much fun darling! And now come on. Stop staring at me and kiss me!”

That wasn't something Phil needed to be told twice.

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