Chapter 27

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Naomi's P. O. V:

While Tengen and I deflect Gyutaro's Blood Sickles, we also have to dodge the obis from above us. As I deflect them, I would also crystallise my wounds to stall the poison. We jump back and Tengen flings out several more of those explosives, causing the ceiling to cave in a bit.

"You can just die!" Gyutaro yells as he jumps toward us. Tengen deflects just bosses and I do too when he thrusts them at me.

Tengen and I continue to deflect the Blood Sickles as though we were fighting in sync. Inosuke wasn't kidding when he said this demon was like a praying mantis!

Gyutaro manages to land a couple of scratches on us, one on our left cheek, the other our sides. Tengen and I bring up our swords to block Gyutaro's. We continue to deflect the Blood Sickles being swift at us, until two more fly towards us.

I grit my teeth as I think we're not going to be able to get out of the way. But then Tanjiro was there, groaning as he tries to hold back the deadly weapons.

The redhead takes a deep breath and water swirls around him. Tanjiro uses that water to deflect the Blood Sickles.

I notice Tengen beginning to swing both of his blades. I smirk and ready my own weapon.

I spin my own sword as I concentrate on the Second Form: Rainbow Burst. A massive rainbow coloured orb of crystal forms and explodes before the green haired demon, along with Uzui's countless explosives from his Fifth Form: String Performance.

Tengen and I block a downward swipe from Gyutaro before we deflect even more. At some point, Tanjiro was able to pierce his sword through an obi, much to Gyutaro's anger.

I glance at Tanjiro behind me and knew he wouldn't hold out much longer. I'm impressed he's still able to move at all.

As Tengen and I continue to deflect the Blood Sickles, an obi slams into Tanjiro and throws him backwards. Tanjiro was still able to deflect the obis striking for him.

Just then, I see a barrage of kunai knives come flying for us from above. I smirk to myself. That must be Hinatsuri. Gyutaro pulls back from Tengen and I to face the incoming weapons.

Gyutaro suddenly begins slashing rapidly, and he makes a dome from the slashes. I wince as a few kunai suddenly pierce my own body, though I made sure none pierce my stomach. Tengen and I dash ahead. We look beneath the green haired demon as the dome fades. We sweep our swords and chop off his legs.

They don't regenerate instantly like they normally would. A kunai from Tengen's cheek slams into Gyutaro's neck, supervising him.

My heart pounds with anticipation as Tanjiro suddenly runs up to Gyutaro and swings his nichirin katana for the demon's neck, letting out a cry of exertion. Tengen also swings his blade for the green haired demon's neck, but Gyutaro regenerates his legs.

"Man, that sure packed a punch!" The greenette says. "The poison, I mean! Blood Demon Art..." He stiffly raises his arms and Blood Sickles rotate at high speeds around them. "...Rotating Circular Slashes... Flying Blood Scythes!"

Tanjiro couldn't move in time so I flag beside him and slug my leg against his stomach, sending the redhead flying away.

I too jump away as I see Tengen spinning his twin swords. "Sound Breathing... Fourth Form... Constant Resounding Slashes!" Explosions continuously go off as the white haired man spins his weapons. When he stops, Gyutaro has vanished from his spot.

"Tengen-sama! Behind you!" Calls Hinatsuru. Tengen and I whirl around just in time to see belts come flying for us. We dodge but I just slash with my nichirin blade and crystallise the belts whenever they attack me.

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