Chapter 28

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Naomi's P. O. V:

"You may not be the strongest, but what you lack in strength, you make up for in speed. You're even faster than Shinobu, and that's something you should be proud of," Giyu says as we stand on the porch of the Butterfly Estate, his arms around me. "You are the strongest person I know, and I'm proud to be called your lover."

"Naomi...! Naomi...! Hey, wake up! This is no time to be napping. We gotta go help Kamado!" My eyes peel open as Tengen's face swims into focus. Immense relief glimmers in his eyes as he sees me waking up.

"T-Tengen..." I stutter, wincing as I sit up. He looks worse for wear than I do. His white hair is all over the place, headband tilted and he's covered in wounds. Not to mention, missing his left hand. The smell of smoke fills my nose as the Sound Hashira helps me to sit up. I gasp once I take in all the flames around us. "What the bloody hell happened? And where's Tanjiro-kun?!" It was then I notice the redhead wasn't there.

I faintly hear the sounds of fighting and screaming, and I see Zenitsu fighting the white haired demon girl, trying to sever her neck as he zooms in the sky with a powerful Thunder Breathing technique.

"I do believe he's fighting Gyutaro on his own. We gotta go lend him a hand." I flicker my gaze down to Tengen's stump of a left wrist and hood my eyes. He sweat drops slightly as I couldn't help the pun in his words. "Errr, you know what I mean, Nao. Anyway, do you think you could stand? If not, I'm gonna have to leave you here."

I realise something and gasp, jerking my head to him, "Wait a minute, Tengen! How are you still alive?! I thought Gyutaro's poison killed you?!"

I'm pretty sure he was dead the last time I checked...

He smirks cockily at me as he responds, "Heh! I just simply forced my heart to stop and played dead. It seemed to have fooled even a demon into thinking I was actually dead."

"Only you, Tengen," I say with an exasperated shake of my head.

"Now, come on! I need your help to defeat Gyutaro," Tengen urges as he helps me to my feet. I pick up my sword and smile determinedly as I nod my head.

"Let's end this!" I say before we turn and use our full speed to head for Tanjiro and Gyutaro. When we find them, I gasp as I see the green haired demon about to take out Tanjiro's left fuschia eye with his Blood Sickle. I unleash my full speed and get in between Tanjiro and Gyutaro, shocking the both of them to gasp out loud as I block the curved blade, my pink hair swaying about my face, anger burning in my pink and purple eyes. My lip pulls back in a snarl, reverberating over the street. "That kick hurt, and you almost killed my baby, you son of a bitch!!"

With that, my body moves n a blur as I throw Gyutaro away with a flourish.

Tengen appears beside me, one of his blades gripped in his mouth, shocking Tanjiro and Gyutaro even more. Tengen brandishes his twin swords with a flourish as I do the same with my single sword, making it appear easy with his one good hand.

"Uzui-san! Suishou-san!" Tanjiro exclaims in immense relief.

Tengen says with a crazed look on his face, eyes wild, "I've finished my Musical Score Technique! We're going for the win! Naomi, follow my lead!"

"Right behind you!" I say as I take off after my friend.

"Don't make me laugh!" Gyutaro shouts. He fires several Blood Sickles at us.

I follow Tengen as he cuts a path through them, counting as he goes. "Ichi! San! Shichi! Go! I! Kin! I can read it! That filthy score of yours!"

"Amazing!" Tanjiro gasps as he follows us.

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