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The halls were speckled with students as class was finally over. May 27th, the last day of the school year. Finally this hell was over.  Alex just couldn't wait for the the smell of chlorine, water parks, watching the sunset, No more worrying about finials and late night studying, etc. This summer was going to be amazing.

He exited out of the crowded doors, standing back and waiting. He pulled out his phone as many students rushed out. The avian just couldn't see him over all of the people. A couple minutes or so pass before he could finally see the taller male walking towards him; Schlatt. Schlatt and Alex have been best friends for years. From when they were about eight to be exact.

"Jesus Christ what took you so fucking long, man?" Alex whinged, placing his phone into his back pocket.

"Did you not see everyone trying to all leave at once!?" The ram spoke. "I didn't want to get trampled by everyone else so I just waited for a bit." Quackity could see him scrabble around in his pocket for his keys as he was still speaking.

"Well it doesn't really matter all that much, I'm just ready to get home," Alex said with a slight whiny tone. "I just want to flop on my couch and sleep forever."  They walked out to the parking lot beside one another, just looking for Schlatts car. He hopped into the passenger seat as Schlatt had got in as well. Before he sat down he placed his heavy backpack in his lap. 'I'm definitely gonna have to clean it out sometime soon.' He thought to himself.

Alex could hear Schlatts engine rev up as he turned the key. "So, you have any plans yet, Q?" He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"No, not yet. But I'll probably have some plans soon. Oh, actually I recently heard about the fair that's gonna be here like sometime in July, I'm most likely gonna go."

"I already knew you would want to go, I'll buy us both tickets when I can." Schlatt said, one hand on the steering wheel and the other to his side.

"Really? Thank you Schlatt." He beamed with a wide grin on his face. Schlatt really knew Quackity better than he even knew himself. He stared out of the window, watching all the cars and trees passing like little blurs until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Alex checked to see what it was, and his mom had texted him:

Mom: 'Sorry baby, but I've got another really late shift tonight. Make sure you have a spare key with you.'

Alex: 'I think I actually left my spare key at home. I'm with Schlatt right now, so I'll just ask if I could stay over at his house for the night'

Mom: 'That's fine with me, just check with them.'

Alex: 'Alright, love you <3'

Mom: 'Love you too, stay safe. <3'

After that he put his phone back in his pocket and asked "Hey, is it okay if I stay over at your house tonight? My moms got another late shift and I forgot my spare key."

"I don't really mind and I'm sure my parents won't care, so sure." He responded, turning back to go to the route to his house.

It didn't take that long for them to get there either. Schlatt pulled into his driveway, parking near the porch. Alex grabbed his bag, getting out of the car and following him into his house. It smelled a lot more like smoke than usual, but it wasn't so bad that it was unbearable. He made sure to text his mom that he was there so she wouldn't worry.

Alex followed Schlatt into his bedroom, setting his heavy ass backpack near the door, along with his shoes. He sat down on Schlatts bed, flopping back and staring at the ceiling before he let out a long and heavy sigh.

"You wanna watch a movie in a bit?" Schlatt had asked the other as he sat on the opposite side of the bed. Alex silently nodded. He had sat there for a few minutes, listening to the soft hum of the dim light above him. The sun was already setting outside as the last few rays of sunlight shine through the window, making Schlatts room a light tint of peach. Outside the sky was slowly turning a crimson color along with the pink clouds.

After a bit, Quackity sat up, sitting next to the other. "What movie are we gonna watch?" He questioned, pulling the blankets over his shoulders.

"I haven't found a movie yet," Schlatt answered. "You wanna watch a horror movie?"

"Sure, I'm down." Schlatt had browsed through the horror movie section of Netflix, looking for any of them that seemed interesting at all. As he was doing that Alex was just completely zoned out, his mind having bunches of random thoughts all at once. He didn't have a clue of how long he had been zoned out for.

He was snapped back into reality as he had heard the TV blaring with the movie Schlatt picked out. Alex had no clue of what movie it was, and to be honest he didn't really care. He payed barely any attention to anything else other than the movie the whole time it was playing. About halfway into the movie he noticed that Schlatt was closer to him than before. He glanced over at him as he could hear his soft breaths. Jesus, he was close. He could feel his heart beating faster by the second and he could feel his cheeks warm up. As he kept sneaking glances at Schlatt he constantly looked down at his soft and rosy lips.

God. Fucking. Dammit.

˗ˏˋ Authors notes ———————————

972 words

WOO! Finally finished with the first chapter! Some of you may be new, so you might not know this, but this used to be a yandere AU lmfao. I changed the AU to just a plain high school AU and rewrote it cause I don't really like yandere AUs all that much. But, if you are still here from when it was a yandere AU, thank you for sticking around for so long, and ily :] /p

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