Chapter 9: Pansy Parkinson Doesn't Know Everything

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"I hear your collective groans, but I have to say that if you don't agree, then you are clearly not living your best lives and I pity you all dearly." Theo told everyone at the table ruefully, a pint in his hand and one arm thrown around the back of Luna's chair as he spoke. "I can't recommend it enough...god, why am I friends with such bloody prudes?" he put his head up to sky, clearly intent on asking the big man himself.

Harry held a baffled expression on his face as he sat opposite his friend with Pansy snuggled into his side, her chin on his shoulder. "Are you-" He clearly wasn't sure on how to approach the subject. "Are you sure you meant 'dogging?'" he asked rather sensitively, and Hermione watched Theo nod intentionally.

"Of course. What else would I be talking about?" Theo asked him strangely. "It's perfectly normal."

Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't... each to their own but Hermione was certain that Theodore had the arse end of the stick when he spoke about it. "Theodore..." she began tentatively. "To go dogging, you need a car... you know? Ones that Muggles use-"

"Brooms are better for viewing consumption." He told her matter of factly. "And if you're really creative, they can even become part of the act-"

"Enough." Draco groaned from his seat right next to Hermione, his frame so large in the small space that he was practically on top of her, the side of him pressed snugly up against her. "You are an absolute savage, Theodore Nott." He finished, taking a sip from his glass. "Lovegood, you have my pity."

Luna smiled wistfully at the blonde man. "Oh, I don't mind," she told him dreamily. "A dirty mind is a clean heart."

Hermione gave a small smile and glanced at Draco, who knew that that was probably the most sense that the blonde witch had ever spoken.

"Says you, anyway." Theo told him with a smirk. "From what I almost interrupted the other day, I'd say you're dying to show Granger just how savage you can be, too... you kinky little fucker."

"Piss off, Theodore." There was a pink tinge to Draco's cheeks as he sat next to her, not quite knowing what to say to save her modesty. "We're not all as fast off the mark as you."

"You go any slower and your virginity is going to grow back," Theo told him in mock accusal. "You've not used your particular appendage in so long that it's practically at the time frame where it can declare itself legally dead."

"Theo ..." Draco told him with a dangerous smile. "Drop the subject now before I take said appendage and force it up your-"

"whoa-" Blaise cut in. "Not the imagery anyone wants, Mate." He finished; his legs slung over the side. It was usually Draco's chair, but Blaise had intentionally sat there so that Draco would be forced to sit next to Hermione.

Pansy and Harry snorted; Luna let out a belly laugh. Theo looked positively traumatised.

The table seemed smaller to Hermione ... why did it feel smaller? Or was it just because of Draco's large frame held up against hers, making her feel so small and hemmed in at the edge of the table. Not that she was complaining ... having Draco touching her anywhere was a relief; she'd been craving it all week.

He was a man who did indeed like to bide his time. She hadn't heard a word from him all week, leading her to have a particularly childish sulk mid-way through the week, which Pansy found both pathetic but fascinating.

Two days ago:

"Just shag already." Pansy told her as she unpacked Wednesday's delivery on the shop floor as Hermione sat there in her over-sexualised misery. "Me and Harry are moving faster than you two and I've known about him for a lot less time than you've known about Draco."

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