Chapter 10: General Malfoy

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"You need a dilator." Pansy told her as her eyes trailed the top shelf. "You need something to...erm...prepare you gradually for him."

Hermione nodded. She had just thought of getting a bigger dildo, but a dilator would do the job gradually and she wouldn't be left in a world of discomfort for hours after. She fully intended in making the next few days count when it came to preparing herself properly...she was a woman on a mission.

She had done a lot of thinking since Friday. Although it was lovely to lie there and cuddle with Draco Malfoy on her bed, it would have been even lovelier to satisfy him between the sheets. She wanted to let loose and feel every girthy inch of him inside of her. She wanted him to lose his inhibitions and go for it; she wanted him to wreck her.

She knew why he didn't. She knew why he had made the verbal threats of letting himself loose on her, but never fully doing it. Pansy had told her as much – he didn't want to chase her off. His past conquests had obviously caused him to treat rejection as normal; no one would last because they didn't want what he had.

But Draco Malfoy had so much to offer. He was a gentleman with a wickedly naughty edge. He was attractive and had an edge of mystery to him, which only added to his appeal. And yet, beneath all of that was a cautious young man who was so scared of rejection that he held himself back for fear of having his heart broken.

Hermione wasn't going to break his heart. If he ever decided to give it to her then she would gladly keep it safe; she had no intentions of running away from any of this. Quite the opposite, actually. She planned on preparing herself to the point of being the one who could take all of him. She wanted to give him everything she had, give him everything she thought he deserved.

"I might need to look up oral techniques too." She told Pansy as she accepted the box that the girl had gotten down from the shelf. "What to do to relax...that sort of thing..."

Pansy smirked at her. "Breathe and relax your lips and jaw," she told her, giving Hermione an example as she did it herself.

"Doesn't look very flattering." Hermione frowned, but the witch did have a point.

"Neither is gagging when the tip of his cock reaches the back of your throat." Pansy retorted pointedly as she got down from the ladders. "But you'll never get that far if you've already suffocated on it beforehand."

"Good point." Hermione nodded. "Continue."

"Use your hands." She announced, going round to the counter as Hermione followed her. "I'm well aware you've given a blowjob before, but hands will feel good on the places you can't fit in your mouth." She them smiled devilishly. "And don't be surprised if he gets into it and grabs your hair fucks your mouth ... he has less control when he's being sucked off."

Yes. She needed that. She needed him to lose it in a big way.

"And lube." Pansy noted casually. "Stock up on it... I'm sure there will be times when you won't need it, but its handy to have when you're caught off guard by him..." she winked. "He likes to do that sometimes."

Hermione was momentarily brought back to what Draco had told her about the things he did with Pansy in school, thinking about her while he did them... she had half a mind to bring it up with Pansy, but she had far too respect and love for her to even go there. She wasn't sure it was something she was aware of, and Hermione was certainly not going to be the one to bring it up.

"Is he the one who sent you those?" Pansy asked coyly, pointing down to the small note that lay beneath a gift.

Hermione smiled and nodded. "He sent them this morning."

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