Chapter 12- garfield

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I woke up, my pillow drenched in tears and my sheet is stained with blood. I have to tell everyone today, I have to tell everyone my mom is dead.

I jumped in the shower and turn the water up hot. It burns my cuts from last night, but it makes me feel better.

I jump out and put on a cute belly top and some blue shorts. I blow dry my hair and leave it in its natural waves. I get a flower crown and put it over the top of my hair. I put make up on, to cover my my cuts and walk out of my room to find my dad making bacon sarnies.

My dad starts crying when I walk out.

I run and cuddle him.

I finish the bacon sarnies and smother them in red sauce, just how he likes it.

I go and dot next to him. We tuck into our sarnies and we get it everywhere. No surprise there.

"Dad please tell everyone to meet me at the Dog at 12:30. I'm going to tell them about mom." I said. "Sure hunny, it's 11:45 now so think about what your gonna say" he replied.

I went into my bedroom and got out my guitar.

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance,
For a break that would make it okay.

There's always some reason
To feel not good enough,
And it's hard, at the end of the day.

I need some distraction,
Oh, beautiful release.
Memories seep from my veins.

Let me be empty,
Oh, and weightless, and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight.

In the arms of the angel,
Fly away from here,
From this dark, cold hotel room,
And the endlessness that you fear.
You are pulled from the wreckage,
Of your silent reverie.
You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find some comfort here.

So tired of the straight line,
And everywhere you turn,
There's vultures and thieves at your back.

The storm keeps on twisting.
Keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack.

It don't make no difference,
Escape one last time.
It's easier to believe in this sweet madness,
Oh, this glorious sadness,
That brings me to my knees.

In the arms of the angel,
Fly away from here,
From this dark, cold hotel room,
And the endlessness that you fear.
You are pulled from the wreckage,
Of your silent reverie.
You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find some comfort here.

You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find some comfort here.
The song is what I'm going to use to tell people my mom has passed, it's easier then putting it into words.

I grabbed my guitar and walked out to my dad. "Ready to go." he asked. I nodded.

We walked to the dog in the pond, Frankie had set up a mic. I stood up in front of everyone and sat on the chair in front of me. A tear ran down my face as I started the song.

I was up to the last phrase and I saw everyone had tears in their eyes.

You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find some comfort here.

Peri ran up to me and grabbed my hand. "This song is about my m-m-mom. Yesterday, she died. She was pregnant and she lost her baby thanks to her partner Patrick. All he ever has for her, was a fist full of love. He'd give her endless beatings and then he had the gut to not only rape me but rape her to. She doesn't deserve to be dead he does. Please don't let him near me again." I said bursting out into tears.

Mitzeee ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"She'd be proud of you." she whispered.

Everyone raised their glass. "To Maxine, the little ray of sunshine in our lives." Darren said.

"To maxine." everyone cheered.

They all emerged me in a hug. I was happy, I felt safe, until I saw him.

"How dare you tell them I raped you, you little brat, you raped me." Patrick shouted.

Everyone turned around. the sad look on their faces turned to anger.

The Roscoe brothers, Dodger, Trevor and Ste ran up to Patrick and threw him out of the pub. They all started throwing punches at him.

"This is for the pain you caused Hollyoaks' little ray of sunshine." Trevor shouted.

"And for what you did to my daughter," dodger screamed, "your no longer part of my family daddy dearest."

For the rest of the afternoon we all stopped in the dog, crying and comforting each other.

A/N:This is the last chapter before the epilogue. hope you enjoyed it. this chapter actually made me cry.

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