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A/n: reminder, listen to Sub pub music- tears of war, while reading this whole book, except when other song came or specially specified song came. For better experience.)

12 years ago: (past)

At 11:30 pm of night. General came to ralia cell where she was.

"I want to talk to prisoner ralia privately." Guards nods and left.

The general turns to ralia and sigh.

"It's time. Ralia." Ralia looks up at him from her son who was sleeping soundly with her head rested in her lap.

She nods and looks down at her son.

She bend dow and kiss his forehead and straighten up and put a cloth in place of her as a pillow beneath her son's head.

She stand and walks to the general.

"Bring him when i will be about to hang up." The general nods looking down.

He took a step aside and opened the door for ralia who walks out.

"Ralia." The general started still looking down in ashamed.

"Yes?" Ralia turns to look at him.

"I am sorry, i failed you both."

Ralia smile softly.

"You didn't. Trust me."  The general looks up at ralia. He had tears shine in his eyes also.

"But i couldn't save you. I promise my old friend, that i would took care of you guys and look-"

"And you fulfilled it. I am so glad and thankful of you." Ralia smiles and looks at front again.

"Let's just leave all of this behind. Do me a favor and watch over wooyoung, If it's easy for you. Don't do anything reckless. And also, don't dare to bury me." At the last one, the general looks at ralia back with wide eyes.

"Ralia but-"

"No buts. I know they will order that no one will bury my body and you will go against that order but don't!" She turns to look at general in eyes.

"You had already done enough. I don't want to burden you. If you do that, if you go against the order. You will be killed also. Then, who will be here with your wife? Your unborn kid? Ranial? Who will be there for... for wooyoung? Please.. It's kind of a last wish of mine." The general just looks away but chuckles with a shakes of head. Ralia also looks away with tears shinning in both of their eyes.

"Tell me Ralia. How could you still be so optimistic? Your gonna die in less than an hour and look at you. Worry about others."

Ralia smiles at that and looks up at the stary sky.

"I don't fear death, Leedo. I know, Minho is up there, waiting for me. And also. This is life. It was meant to end. And this is how my life is going to end. So, why being sad over something like this? I don't know what happened next but at least. I could hope." She looks down at the general aka leedo who looks at her.

"Right?"  Leedo tried to smile but couldn't. So he just looks away.

"Sir, sorry but it's time." Leedo nods and sign ralia to walk first which Ralia did but not before a glance at the little sleeping soundly kid in the cell.

They start walking towards where the execution is gonna held.

Leedo walking beside Ralia.

"Hey Ralia, can i ask you something?" Leedo whispered, so only ralia can hear him.

"Ask away Leedo." Ralia answered softly with her face head up, walking elegantly.

"Why do you want your son to watch you die?"

TEARS OF WAR- All The Stories are True/ateez&bts&kpop AuWhere stories live. Discover now