Chapter 9: The Secret Facility

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There were dozens of large, steel docks. Hundreds of workers and guards came out of the insides of this structure that the airships came to. The airships came down, and the councillors came out on gurneys. Enforcers were guarding them and watching from every single corner in sight, ready to shoot any threat to the councillors. The latter was brought into the structure. Once inside, guards stood everywhere, cameras were on and ready. They fleet of gurneys were raced through the halls, one turn after another, and then they went through a long, guard filled hallway, into a medium sized, machine filled room, medical of the sorts. 

Each gurney was put into a place, and doctors and medical specialists surrounded them. Iv's, monitors, and ventilators were put into their places, and tables with other medical supplies came in. One doctor went to a terminal that was at the far end of the room, and pressed a few buttons. The walls behind the councillors were turned into X-ray units, and each gurney was rolled in. The doctor pressed a few more buttons, and a scanner glazed over the councillors. A few more doctors looked at a screen and began to take notes. Other medical professionals came over and talked with the doctors a bit, some for a few moments, others for a few seconds. A few went to other doctors and people who were in the room. Doctors talked, went to other doctors, spoke about stuff. Some went outside, others began coming in, some rolled a few of the councillors out, and others were pressing buttons on consoles and tablets. All of this lasted for at least 20 minutes, when it began to die down. A handful of the doctors left the room, and others stayed to watch the councillors.

A certain councillor, however, had regained conscienceness. Jayce, barely awake, moved his head around a little, and groaned. "Councillor Talis is awake!", A doctor yelled. "Get the Forward Operator." A doctor went to a terminal near the doorway, pressed a button, and said, "We need the Forward Operator, Councillor Talis is awake." Another doctor walked over to Jayce, as well as a few others. "Councillor Talis, can you hear me?", she asked. Jayces head rolled over in pain. "What.. whos there? Wheres Mel?", he asked softly but demandingly. "Councillor Medara is safe, shes just getting her head checked. She's in a severe condition, but I assure you, we're doing everything we can to make sure she'll be alright."

"What the hell? What's wrong with her, what happened? Who the hell are you? Where am I?", Jayces heartbeat began to race. "You're in a safe place, and we're doctors. Everythings okay. Once Operator Jason Arrives he'll explain everything.", she said. "Who? What?", Jayce kept asking questions. "Is this Piltover? What's going on?" "Councillor, everythings okay. We're not in Piltover, but..." The doctor was silenced once the doors opened. "He's awake?", a person asked who walked through the door. "Yes, Operator." "Let me speak to him." The man walked up to Jayce. "Councillor Talis?" Jayce looked at the man. "Who are you? Why am I here?", Jayce asked orderingly. "I'm the Forward Operator of this facility, I run things here. My name is Forward Operator Terry Jason. This place was made for the Councillors to go in times of crisis. It's 9km high and is located 4km east of Piltover."

"What happened?", Jayce asked. "30 minutes ago, the council chambers were hit by an explosive object, likely a missile, from the Undercity. We have all hands on deck, Enforcers are patrolling Piltover as we speak." Jayce looked around the room. Some of the councillors were there, some weren't. "Where's councillor Medara?", Jayce demanded to know. "She's being taken care of right now, she's in severe condition, but if we continue on treating her, she'll recover.", Jason said. "I want to see her." "Councillor, you're in no condition to move. We can show you overhead screening of her though." "Do it." Jason motioned to a doctor, who moved to the terminal. He pressed a few buttons, and an overhead screen turned on. Jayce looked at it with wide eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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