malachi X bag of doritos

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Malachi was sitting in Kyle's room on the edge of his bed playing 2K. He got this incredible idea to hop into his car and buy a bag of doritos and fuck it. "I want to buy a bag of doritos and fuck it." Malachi said out loud. "then go buy a bag and fuck it." Kyle said sitting on his floor cross-cross applesauce style, messing with his septum with his left hand and holding his phone in the other.

Sophia was also at Kyle's house, but she was sleeping so she didn't know what was going to happen in about 5 minutes. "i will." Malachi said standing up from the bed and walking to the back door. Kyle watched as he left and just sighed in disbelief and changed the TV to "My names Earl".

Malachi sat in his car with a party size bag of cool ranch doritos in his right hand leaned back in the drivers seat of his car. he was debating on actually fucking the bag of doritos now and getting scared to be caught. "look at the fucking weirdo fucking a bag of chips." "should've got spicy cool ranch instead dumbass." millions of rude comments kept popping into his mind. he looked at the time and it was 3:45 am. "Why the fuck am i scared it's the middle of the fucking night." Malachi said out loud to himself.

he opened the bag of doritos getting situated and finally fucked the bag of doritos left, right, sideways, up side down, up right ways, and ways i didn't even know you could fuck a bag of doritos. but yet again who in their right mind would fuck a bag of doritos. Malachi didn't finish until two hours later and went back to Kyle's around 5:23. when he walked into kyle's back door leading into his room he got scared because ballsack (the dog) was pissing all over Kyle's room and kyle was spraying him with a hose. how Kyle got a fucking hose in his house? i'm still trying to figure that out.

"Well my fuck session went great and i will be leaving now." Malachi said leaving again and closing the door and going to Seth's instead. Sophia was still sleeping on Kyle's bed getting the best sleep ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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