A wish

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Somethings are just not meant to be seen. Other things, contrariwise, are. This is a story about a girl that desperately wanted to see. What, you ask? Well...
— Mother! Can I go observe the stars outside for a bit?
— Ten minutes.
So Claire went through the wooden door and lay in the grass. It was so magical how the stars managed to stay so still and at the same time be so magical only by twinkling in the sky.
Oh, how she loved the night. If it were up to her, she would stay there forever. But alas, it wasn't.
— Okay... Our ten minutes are up, Lui. — said Claire to her loyal cat. — Let's go.
— Go wash your hands and then sit at the table so we can have supper, okay honey?
She nodded and did as requested. As she sat down, her father appeared in the living room. He was... Well, in her perspective, quiet. He didn't talk much to her. She knew that someday he would open up to her, when he's ready. Claire was like that, understanding. As for her mother, they were simply best friends. Of course, when needed, she would play the mother roll, but often they would spend the day together; whether they would draw on the fence or clean the house, Amanda and Clair were inseparable.
At last, everyone sat down for dinner. She and her mother had made, earlier that day, a beautiful lasagna with special spices from their garden, which they had picked up that day as well.
— Wow mother, you are such a good chef! — said Claire with wonder. — I want to be just like you when I grow up!
— Oh, stop the nonsense. This lasagna is no more than acceptable. — her father said with distaste.
— Father, don't talk to mother that way! She... We made it with so much love...
— Love? Oh, please.
— Honey — Amanda said to her daughter — it's okay, really. — But Claire knew it wasn't. Poor mother, she thought. I wish there were something I could do for you...
And that night, something incredible was next to happen. Nature would align for her, and with everyone asleep, at the dead of night...

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