a n g r y

9 4 0

a n g r y

I lie in bed

Fingers curled around the blankets

Thinking of him

His voice echoes in my head

Deep and throaty

His touch lingers on my skin

I miss the warmth of his hands

I miss the comfort of his hugs

His eyes, an ocean blue

We'd lay under the stars

Gazing at constellations

While having deep conversations

But...he severed our connection

The connection brought me out of depression

The connection that revived his personality

I'm so angry.

Angry at his fluffy chestnut hair

Angry at his lush plump lips

He said he couldn't handle me

But the truth is far from that

The truth is powerful and brilliant

The truth is

He severed our connection

Because he couldn't handle the enormity of our love.

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