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⎯ This book will contain themes such as injury, violence, natural disasters, profanity, death, manipulation, and abuse. If any of the aforementioned are a cause of concern, then I would not recommend reading this book.

⎯ This is the first draft of this story, which means I will be editing and rewriting as I see fit. Uploads may not be consistent as I rewrite chapters I'm unhappy with.

⎯ This book is divided into parts, cut by an overall subject that it's trying to cover. They will be split into chapters like a normal novel. On a normal upload schedule, one to two chapters will be uploaded every week.

⎯ I do have a soundtrack created for this book (of course), mostly just songs I listened to while writing. I am happy to give a list of songs or the Spotify link if enough people are interest, however, I just wanted to mention two songs. Lana Del Rey's cover of "Doin Time" and sapientdream's remix of "Past Lives" both helped to inspire this book and some of its plot, so I'd recommend taking a listen if you are interested in hearing part of what helped develop BLACKBIRD.

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