Chapter One

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11 APRIL 2022

A storm was brewing in the distance, that much Alana was sure of. She could see it in the way the clouds billowed into grayscale thickets, how the wind skirted past her cool bronze cheeks and toyed with the bunch of dark curls at the nape of her neck, how the creatures of the land had long since disappeared. She could only hope that it would break after she and James had left, not wanting to get rained out. This was unpleasant weather to arrive to on her first mission within the Madcap Coalition, the drab atmosphere of the South Dakota plains reminding her all too well of the English countryside. They certainly looked nothing alike, however, the feel of something heavy in the wind was near identical.

Maybe the storm wasn't just in the weather.

The slam of a car door drew Alana from her ponderings, her gaze falling to the man that appeared at her side. His fair complexion and thicket of ashy brown hair melted into the lackluster ambiance of an unbroken storm, his worn leather jacket and the scruff along his jaw only assisting in his camouflage. She watched as his muted hazel eyes, the right of which was split by a dull green, swept across the land in what Alana assumed to be a threat survey. It had to be instinct for him by now after years with both the Army Special Forces and the CIA.

"What a welcome to South Dakota," The man muttered under his breath.

Footsteps crunched along the gravel before them, announcing the presence of a willowy woman, her dawn-like complexion and tight, inky black ponytail a stark antithesis against the gray tones around them. She hobled up to them, shoulders sunken, fiddling with a tablet as she waited for one of them to start.

"Andrea," James greeted, accompanied by a friendly nod of his head. He gestured between the two women with him. "Alana, this is Doctor Ocampo, our lead scientist. Andrea, this is Agent Zwane."

Alana was the first to step forward, a kind smile on her face as she shook hands with the Madcap scientist. "It's nice to meet you."

Andrea offered her own smile albeit a little awkward and a little tired. "You as well. And please, it's Andrea."

"What's going on?" James asked.

Andrea sighed, a sound tinged with exasperation, as a hand rubbed against her eyebrow. "The vestige is still producing water, and Nakoma is still here. She's refusing to leave."

Concern found its way onto James' face as confusion contorted Alana's. She tilted her head, a thoughtful glint in her eye.

"Doesn't she know she's putting herself in danger?" James asked, softly objective.

Andrea nodded. "We've explained everything we can to her, but she just isn't budging."

"I could try talking to her," Alana offered, "Will she say why she won't leave?"

Andrea shook her head. "Not a word. I can take James to the vestige if you want to talk with her."

"I think I should stick with Alana," James chimed in.

His tone was neutral, impersonal, as it had been since they first met. It kindled thought of the rumors she had heard of James prior to meeting him, the hearsay that foretold him to be hardened and dispassionate. That he had once gone through several partnerships in just one month, that he'd left agents injured in the field, that he skipped out on work gatherings. Alana was always hesitant to base her views of others on pure rumor, however, judging by the time spent with him both in person and over video call, Alana felt inclined to do so with James. (Although he seemed to be someone cautious, self-conscious - sad, even - rather than some iron-willed mercenary).

So why he was choosing to stick with her, Alana wasn't sure. She could assume that it was due to the fact that they had so far known each other only for a few hours, Alana having arrived in America just late last night. Maybe James wanted to see how she worked, what bases she could cover that he had no chance at reaching.

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