Chapter Eight

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24 APRIL 2022

Of the five days that James had been in the hospital, Alana hadn't been permitted to visit him even once. It left a lingering worry at the back of her throat, one that seemed to smother her in moments of silence, slowing the wait for his release into something aching. James had grabbed a vestige, the one thing they had been told never to do, leaving him unconscious and her with a fear that he wouldn't wake back up. They hadn't been able to take any of the hostiles either, even the guy with the broken car escaping, which left Alana wondering if his actions had really been worth it.

Harris' dispassionate reassurances had done nothing to help either, his firmness in keeping her away from James offsetting his meager attempts at comfort. Alana's mistrust of him only seemed to snowball as he kept denying her visitation rights and information while only giving her vague reports on James' health, building confidence in her belief that one thing or another was off with Harris. It quite nearly solidified now as Alana walked through the doors of Langley, on her way to meet James and Harris for their next assignment even though the former had just been released from the hospital. It gave him no time to rest, carrying on without a thought to his well being which kindled memory of an adage Alana had grown up with; always forward, never dead.

Alana sighed. It was funny to her how easily a simple memory could sour a steady mood.


Her head darted up from nowhere in particular at the familiar voice, quick to find James waiting for her at the end of the foyer. Seeing him alive, no injuries visible, drew a soft smile on her face and she hastened her pace to meet him.

"You're alright," She said, the relief in her voice clear.

"Yeah," James murmured, a small, awkward smile on his face.

"You want to tell me what happened?"

James hesitated after that, gaze landing on her in careful consideration. He seemed to debate something, wavering in his response, until he apparently made up his mind.

"Later. After we meet with Harris." At Alana's disappointed sink of her shoulders, he added; "Promise."

Alana sighed, close-lipped, but nodded. "Alright."

They headed down the hallway after that, side-by-side as they made their way to an elevator, quietly trading places with an agent exiting. All the while, Alana kept subtly glancing at James, catching the way he kept his hands balled up and how the air around him turned minutely stifling, uncomfortableness growing in his tenor. It worried her, festering a concern that he was not yet duty ready. Part of her wanted to press James and ensure that he truly was okay, but the other part of her knew he'd speak up if he needed to, so she let it be for now.

The elevator slowed and its doors opened, the two agents exiting together as they headed right for Harris' office. The door was closed this time when they arrived, leading James to step forward and sound a trio of knocks against the door. A muted call to enter echoed from the other side, and James opened the door, taking the seat nearest to it as Alana entered behind him and took the seat on his other side. Harris was sitting on the other side of the desk, patiently awaiting their arrival as he fiddled with something in his hands.

"When I paired you two together, I was expecting a lot better," Harris began monotonously. He gestured to Alana. "Kaw had put in a good word about you, said you were one of her best." Then he gestured to James. "And I know you're one of my best. Yet I hear that your last assignment was somewhat of a disaster."

Harris paused after that, leaving the two agents to stew. Alana' subconscious drew caution at his words, ready to defend both herself and James if she had to, instinctual unease settling at his reprimand. Next to her, James' expression had tightened, a sense of displeasure at his handler's words. Then Harris shrugged.

"However, I'll give you guys credit. You brought back a vestige and snatched a pendant."

Harris lifted his hand, revealing what he had been fiddling with to be one of the bird pendants that those men had worn.

"McCoy had grabbed it from the man you tried to take into custody. Reports have it that this is a halcyon?"

Both Alana and James nodded at his question. Harris' focus turned to the pendant, a pensive gaze cast upon it as he slowly twirled it in the air.

"This all seems to be tied into Greek mythology, no?" James asked, drawing the attention of both Harris and Alana. "It started first with Tethys, now the halcyon and - what was the vestige that I grabbed?"

"Hyperion," Harris answered, "Greek Titan of heavenly light."

"Greek Titan of heavenly light," James murmured, suddenly distant as his gaze fell. However, he faltered for only a moment, swiftly drawing himself back together in less than a heartbeat. "It's all tied together."

Harris considered him for a moment, bobbing his head with an air of uncertainty. "The vestiges, yes, most likely. But these guys - these Halcyon guys - chose their symbolism. So why the halcyon?"

James fell back at that, receding into a state of deliberation as his gaze fell once more, lips thinned into a line. Alana could think of a possible reason why, memories of sanguine feathers threatening to resurface, however, she stubbornly patted them down.

"The word 'halcyon' can denote to an idyllic period of time," Alana suggested, "Perhaps they chose it for that symbolism rather than the Greek legend?"

"Or it's a reference to that story about the Blackbirds, the people covered in black from head to toe that come in the night to kill and steal."

James' voice was quiet, his words muttered, though in Alana's own startled silence they seemed to boom. She didn't show it on her face, but Alana had frozen by instinct, knowing well what the Blackbirds were. Harris raised an eyebrow, his only visible reaction to the suggestion that seemed to speak words of disbelief even if it was a miniscule response.

"But they're a story, James," Harris said carefully, monotonously, "An unpopular one too. Made to scare soldiers and spies during the Cold War."

"Yeah, but if the vestiges can actually give people powers, then maybe these Halcyon guys think that they can make it real..."

James quietly trailed off as Harris' gaze turned hard, a signal for him to be silent which Alana picked up on. She said nothing, but glanced between the two men, her unease growing as it seemed they were choosing to keep something from her. Neither of them said anything about it either, which only thickened the tension that quickly festered in the air.

"Let's talk about your next assignment."

Harris flung open one of the drawers to his desk, handing them each a tablet that offered the report of known information. James straightened at that, quickly recovering from that awkward moment and flowing with the subject change. However, Alana couldn't settle, now on edge at the swift turnaround even as she forced her body to ease.

"We haven't gotten any confirmed vestige activity," Harris said, his voice back to that anodyne tone, "But it's suspected that a trade off is happening or has happened. Investigative services have reported an increase in activity among Chicago gangs, supposed talk of magic marble circulating among them. And then at 7:38 this morning, we got reports of a magnitude 5 earthquake with its epicenter just outside of the Loop."

"You think that's because of this possible vestige?" James asked.

Harris nodded. "I do. I want you two and your team to go investigate. Try not to draw unnecessary attention."

James nodded, glancing down at the tablet in his lap then to Alana, whose gaze was focused on the report. She was scanning through it, however, her attention was cut between it and Harris. Her caution towards him hadn't eased even a bit, keeping her alert to his every word and movement. If Harris noticed, then he didn't comment on it, which Alana was fine with. She didn't want to go through a confrontation with him, not right now when she had an assignment and a vestige-afflicted James to worry about.

"Any more questions?" Harris asked.

Both agents shook their heads.

"Then dismissed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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