=[Chapter 1 - The Start.]=

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He sat in the large office, idly tapping at his desk, his mind all but to himself. A couple of empty mini Slim-Jim wrappers were on the desk, held in place by a unopened can of Fizzy-Faz and a small empty can of pringles next to the beverage. He was gonna toss those away at some point after the drink.

Sadly, those were just the boring parts of the office. The interesting parts were the various machines and decorations in the office. Monitors hooked up on the entire Mall, various old and new posters placed away from anything important, a fan...

Okay, maybe not that interesting but in terms of keeping your body cool is somewhat important enough, a few buttons for certain functions, a charge station for handheld devices and a massive one for something big.

And where would that be? In the left side of the wall with the flashlight recharge station next to it.

Oh, and then there was that tablet thing with a little bear character walking on the same path - apparently that's the check-in spot, or as some kids would like to call it, the 'Save Spot'.

The man let out a sigh, slightly nibbling on one of the mini-sticks that he got from the box. He held it in his teeth like a cigarette.

For what reason? Well, to cut off a smoking habit. And in order to cut off a habit, there were some things that needed to be done. He heard that someone used sunflower seeds as a way to help, but he wasn't gonna bring a bag of sunflower seeds with him.

Instead, he opted on two things - these tiny versions of Slim-Jims and pringles. Now, there were a couple of things he had to bear in mind - while he managed to score a deal with Management on letting them take these in his office for his own personal things, they were to be bought by his own two hands.

He also can't eat these things like candy, since they keep his mind off of the cancer sticks, so he has to ration them.

Which was nice, if not for the fact that a certain 'co-worker' wasn't obsessed with food, he'd have them stationed around in some secret spots when he'd find some.

'...Though, how they got an A.I. like her to 'taste', I may never know. At least she's the only version who can consume stuff.' No kidding, he was thankful for that.

Getting up from his chair with a grunt, he went to one of the monitors that focused on Rockstar Row. His non-bandaged right eye stared at the screen while he adjusted the Slim-Jim to the right side of his mouth, his bandaged hands resting inside of his pockets.

His eye narrowed when he focused on a certain Gator's room. When he took a tour around the Mall, things went well. All up until a little incident with the Gator. He wasn't the cause of his current health predicament, no. Let's just say that a couple of the Gator's Animatronic buddies decided to pick the day to pull a prank on the same day that a new hire was getting a tour.

...Okay, maybe he shouldn't be mad at the Gator, but he was just wary. Of gators, balloon kids, a wolf and a fox. Alright, alright, he was wary about a lot of them, just those specific ones. Including a chicken. Just one particular chicken.

It's a whole mess altogether. The perks of a 'Central Security Guard'. What was a Central Security Guard? Easy. Unlike the ones that walk around in the daytime and nighttime - which was his fellow human co-worker Vanessa at that time - he has the perks of doing both, with other benefits.

Though, he has to follow a rather strict schedule of being here at times, which he doesn't mind, a couple others, Vanessa included, seemed to have made it quite clear that this job could be stressful.

And what does he think? Point him to the nearest 'stressful' thing and he'll give you a blank look. That may change in due time, though.

He stepped away from the monitor and went back to his chair. It was currently daytime, and the Mall was lively. The Animatronics were busy with their own jobs, so he doesn't have to worry about being bothered or anything like that, though he will admit, even if it was his first day on the job, it was kinda boring in here already.

=[FNaF: Security Breach - Security Duty.]=Where stories live. Discover now