=[Chapter 2 [2/2] - Meeting Monty (properly) (CO-2.)]=

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(Announcement down below, please read after this!)


After ranting to himself about his rotten luck, the guard looked at his amused 'assistant' as he bit down on a piece of the slim jim that he unwrapped during his rant. Monty casually shrugged and entered the office, looking around with his glasses still up. "Gotta say, not bad. Could use a little more color. Maybe green."

Chad snorted, not keeping his eyes off of Monty, the gator poking around the office with interest. Really now? "What? Never been in here, Jaws?" Monty turned to look at him with that same eyebrow raise. "Could ya blame a gator? The big guys never let us near this area - somethin' about a 'surprise'. Only ones they ever let near here are Gramps and Fazbear."

The human in the room gave the gator a blank look, which Monty returned with a confused one, before the security guard started to count off, holding each finger up as he listed these names.

"Freddy Fazbear, Toy Freddy Fazbear, Nightmare Freddy Fazbear, Phantom Freddy Fazbear, which for some reason is really weird for a couple of reasons, Funtime Freddy Fazbear, Glamrock Freddy Faz-" Monty let out a growl, yet Chad smiled. "I meant the new Freddy." Chad's smile increased, much to Monty's annoyance. Yet, the guard was curious.

"So, they let that giant bear and your shiny leader in on the whole ordeal of this space but not anyone else? Sure says somethin' about how Management trusts you guys." The gator put his shades down onto his nose, a huff leaving the animatronic as he went over to one of the posters. "Now, I'd be annoyed, but you sure hit a hole in one on that one." Chad narrowed his eyes - the bastard made a golf pun.

"Good bunch of us are troublemakers. I would narrow down a few for ya, since yer my partner 'n' all, buuuut I think you'll find out for yourself, from files or just from seeing it happen in plain sight. It's just more entertaining that way." Monty chuckled. "Trust me on it, bud. Those files may have much, but it's best if you aren't like Faz- Freddy and watch the chaos unfold when a couple of us are bored."

Chad didn't seem too amused, yet Monty didn't bat an eye. "Riiiiight. So." Chad went over to his chair and sat down, quite frankly wishing he was alone right now. "Let's get this over with. I'll humor you and see what the others do later, and if it's that bad, then I guess Management does have good reasons to trust Goldie and your leader. With that aside, let's go over this whole partnership."

Monty nodded slightly. "So, to start off with - I can tap into that fancy watch of yours and turn it into a two-way communication device between us, messages and the fun part - a one easy tap to call me forward in case someone, or something," He seemed to look amused at that part, for some reason that Chad, himself, could vaguely guess, but Monty said it loud and clear. "decides to pop up outta nowhere and spooks your pants off." Seeing as how he was right, Chad just rolled his eyes.

"Secondly, even if we're partners, you can't just call me and have me do stuff for ya, especially if I'm busy. Course, not that I'm saying you'd do that." Monty let out a chuckle from the blank stare given to him by his partner. "Those guys knew people a bit too well since they made extra sure that if someone got my leader or one of the pushovers, the person with this job would've gotten a rather nasty surprise, courtesy of the.. twitchy ones." Chad nodded approvingly - finding this little system a bit more appealing now. Goes to show that while Management wasn't gonna let someone be lazy on the job, and he made it quite clear with his words. "At least Management did something right." The gator's amusement increased - either he was referring to being picked for the job or for Management on doing something good, he didn't really care, but boy, was this guy a little more on the buzzkill side, eh? Back on track.

"Now, here's another thing - the second I gain access to your watch, I can get clearance for this room. If I was allowed to, I'd add a little bit more 'me' into it, but for 'business' reasons," Well, Chad learned that Animatronics can do air-quotes. "I can't do that. Doesn't mean I can't pester you into doing it though."

"Nope." Monty laughed lightly - it didn't even take him a second to continue and the guard rejected it. Ah well, he's gonna make good on his promise. "Alright, alright." This time, Monty looked serious, tilting his head forward to let the shades drop, his red eyes piercing into the guard. "There are a couple more things, though."

The sole human in the room raised an eyebrow, but kept silent. "You see, there are a few of us who don't seem to agree too kindly with each other's presences." He thought about it for a moment. "...Call it a bogey - almost all of us aren't too kindly with certain presences. Sure, they get along with other ones but they don't get along well with their other pals. Freddy's a odd exception, though." Chad, while seeing where Monty was coming from, scowled from the damn pun again.

Let it be known that Monty rarely makes these jokes unless he was aiming to test someone's patience, but Chad didn't know that. He managed to get over it soon enough though.

"...And I'm guessing you're saying this because I might encounter a fight?" Monty nodded. "Maybe. Or glares. Who knows - here, unexpected things can occur. We're all a family, sure, but we're not exactly easy on each other. If you ask me though, the less chances of them showing up to a territory that doesn't belong to theirs without any reason, the better."

All Monty got was a quiet stare. Or.. as he could definitely tell, a very 'It hasn't even been one day' kinda look that he'd normally see from a couple of the employees here. He knows how to adapt fast, doesn't he?

He couldn't help but let out a snort when the guard just leaned into the chair, eyes on the ceiling. "...So basically - I'm gonna be seeing highschool drama happen, is what you're telling me." He didn't even need to look to see his newly acquired partner shrug to guess that he nailed it on the head.



Oof, this was.. late. Real late. I'm very sorry! I got caught up in some things, and ah.. well, maybe this might take some time to get back into, but I figured I'd finish this up the best I could and edit it at a later date when I'm motivated to work on this again, so consider it a hiatus, I suppose.

Now, for that announcement.. seeing as how it was a long time, I'll get to the chase. From here on out, it's gonna get a little hectic as I need to sit down and think about how I'm gonna map out each animatronic's.. personalities. The others are free game, but it's the Glamrocks I'm moreso concerned about, but I ain't gonna get into it that much. If I were to get back into this particular thing, the best I'm gonna do is give each side, or 'faction' as one would put it, their best screen time.

And for anyone thinking about some things that I can guess is gonna be.. 'interesting', I can assure ya, it's not gonna happen and/or don't get your hopes up. Not that kinda fic. Now, I should probably state this here too while I'm at it, but I'm gonna be that kinda author and say this -

My OC's gonna get into a lot of hi-jinks in different other books I'm doing/creating. I'll explain it someday, but the best I can tell you right now is.. an interest in personalities clashing. Take that as ya will. But I assure ya, it's gonna be a fun joy-ride, especially with this one. My motivation may be.. iffy here or there, but I do mean well when it comes to passion and curiosity. So if you happen to be interested on where all that goes, well.. look forward to it.

This story isn't gonna be lost anytime soon. Not at all. Hell, I'd be damned to drop something like this unless I absolutely have to - and that's not gonna happen. So when I get around to doin' a chapter.. I'll be sure to mention it when I can.

That's the only things I can think of at this moment, aside from updating another book and then getting one particular book done and over with. Consider that one a hint to what else I'll be writing when that one's done.

...Sucks people don't do things such as this often though. With that outta the way, I'll see you around, whoever's reading this!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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