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Do you know what I most like about books? It's because they're each one unique, even when trying to copy another, they have their special, single detail no one else can look alike. I like to think that way about people, I like to think that way about you.

I realized that reading people are similar to books, but, for my surprise, and maybe delight, it was quite hard to read you. I must admit, I had a hard time.

But from that day I saw you at the bookshop...ah, I just couldn't resist, similar to the smell of a new published book, or a classic you've never read, this is how I felt, eager to read you.

When the door bells rang at that day, you changed my life, and I changed yours.


It was an average day at the shop, Ethan organized the cashier, while some customers walked around, busy in their own lives, own stories and perspectives. Joe was just there, by one of the shelves, organizing a section of Poetry from C to F, when the door opened again that afternoon.

It was a presence hard not to notice, even attempting to be silent, with her head down, there was a subtle silent charm in her silhouette.

Hello you.

She observed with attention the shelves, as he observed her.

I've never seen you before, trust me, I would recognize you if I did anywhere.

That just leaves two options, you're either new in town, or, you've never been to Mooney's.

Alright, I'll bite.

She glanced at her back, maybe having a bad feeling, he avoided her stare just in time, hiding behind a shelf.

You're attentive. Didn't expect that.

After realizing, or better, believing, it was nothing, she turned back to the books.

Now, who are you? By the way you observe at those shelves you seem picky about what you want, maybe exigent, would be the exact word. I wonder if that applies beyond that.

She grabbed one on her hands, observing the cover, than rrad the little sum up of the story behind, not sure if it really was what she wanted. Put back on the shelf.

What are you doing now? Searching again, still not satisfied. Your appearence shows a quiet, shy posture, but you seek to have something else, something more.

After all, you put effort in making a look, and what a look. Black medium sized dress, exposing thighs, valorizing your body, long dark hair at the back, tanned skin, as if you went to the beach some days ago, purse and heels matching.

You definetly don't want attention, but your appearence says otherwise. It's impossible not to stare at you. And maybe you want that.

I mean, what about those thin, silver long earrings you wear? A way to make people star at your face instead of your chest? I expected for you to wear a bracelet, to jangle, but instead, a watch, time is precious for you, otherwise, you'd just check your phone.

She sighed, maybe not finding what she truly wanted. Received a text, friends from the university inviting her to a party, maybe it could be nice, she needed to meet new people after all. Smiled at the text, replied with a happy text, then put the phone back at the purse.

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