Chapter - 16

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Jasmine - no! You don't have to... I.. I forgive you ayushi... plus I don't want taylor anymore, I'm married and pregnant

Ayushi - p-preg-nant..... omg... you're gonna be a mom?
Jasmine - you're gonna be an aunt
Ayushi - me?... aunt.... omg *hugs you and sobs* i-im gonna be an aunt... i-

Buzz~ buzz~

I picked up my phone and saw jungkook was calling.


Jungkook - hello Babe, where are you?
Jasmine - no need to do that anymore jungkook, everything is fine, wait I'm sending someone to take you

Jungkook - but-

I cut the call

Jasmine - taylor, my husband is outside can you go bring him inside
Taylor - sure, you sit here and rest

He left. I sat and talked with ayushi, catching up on everything

Ayushi - I can really stay with taylor? I really love him...
Jasmine - and trust me, he loves you too, why dont you two get married already?

Ayushi - ah you dummy *blushes*

Jungkook - Jasmine!
Jasmine - Babe!

He came towards me and hugged me.

Jungkook - finally! My eyes were thirsty to see you again! I missed you a lott. How is the baby?

Jasmine - the baby's fine, and the things here sorted out too

Jungkook - that's a relief...
Jasmine - come, let's have some fun time together, I've missed it so so much
Ayushi - wait, where is taylor?

Taylor - someone is here....
Ayushi - himi!
Chrystal - ayushi!

They hugged

Chrystal - i heard everything sorted out?
Ayushi - yeah, we're all fine, who's that btw?
Chrystal - he's taehyung, my boyfriend...

Jasmine - omg bitch! How dare you not inform me?!!
Chrystal - i-im sorry babes..
Jasmine - I'm forgiving you for now as me being angry can harm the baby, but I swear I'll kill you if you did this kind of shit again!

Chrystal - i wont mata rani, now calm down
Ayushi - oh cmon ya'll let's gossip about our lives so far I'm dieing to hear all of it!

THE END.....

Sorry for the delay ya'll

Thats it for this chapter and that is also the end of this story...

I think the end was pretty boring? Well I'll try to make stories which are better..

Anyways bye, I love you and will meet in another story.

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