Ally/You - Second encounter

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Ally/You - A walk downtown

"Come on, (Y/N)! It'll be great. A nice little walk down town, enjoying the view of the shops. Who knows, you may even run into your little girlfriend again." (Y/BF/N) said, winking at me when they mentioned the last part, causing my cheek to flush. I had told (Y/BF/N) that I had run into a rather beautiful girl the day after I had met Ally, though I was really careful not to say her name or tell her where I had met Ally. I wanted to stay true to my word on keeping their location a secret, even if that meant hiding it from my best friend.

"(Y/BF/N), you really think that I'm ever going to see her again? I mean, come on, I met her simply by luck the first time. Who's to say that will happen again?" I asked while flopping down on my bed, having gotten up a second ago to place something on my desk. I huffed slightly and folded my arms over my eyes, hearing (Y/BF/N) laugh after a moment.

"Who's to say that it won't happen again? I mean, luck was on your side when you met her the first time, so why can't it be on your side now?" (Y/BF/N) suggested while raising their eyebrows at me causing me to stop for a moment and think to myself. I was one of the unluckiest people that I knew. Nothing ever seemed to go in my favor when I wanted it to and most of the times, I was the one making a fool of myself because of something stupid that had happened to me due to my lack of luck. However, was it possibly that this time, just this one little time, luck might actually work in my favor and allow me to see her again? And allow me to hang out with her for a little bit before I had to make up a reason to leave with my friend? Could I get to hang out with her if (Y/BF/N) was there?

Well, there was only one way that I was going to find out and that would be if I actually agreed to talk a walk downtown.

"Fine, I'll go with you but as long as you promise me that you will not drag me into one of your fancy stores again. I hated that last one because everyone kept looking at me funny. Like, I can't buy fancy underwear too?" I asked, huffing slightly as I recalled the time that I had been pulled into a Victoria Secret's on a night where they were having a lingerie sale. When I said this, I heard my best friend laugh and resisted the urge to hit their arm, pouting slightly until my terms were agreed upon.

About an hour later, the two of us were looking for a parking lot that wasn't completely full so that we could park the car and get out. Well, I wasn't actually looking for the parking lot, I was looking down at my phone while wondering if I would actually get to see Ally once again. Sighing slightly to myself as I started to think this would end up being a regular night, I looked up from my phone to see where we were currently at in out search, only to find that we had already parked and that (Y/BF/N) was currently getting ready to get out.

Flashing them a small smile to show that I was happy that we had found a spot, I unbuckled and soon got out and closed the door behind me. Giving a little stretch, I soon walk around to (Y/BF/N)'s side of the car while smiling softly when I saw the wide and happy smile that they had given me the moment they saw me. After locking to door of the car, we then set off, making out way down the sidewalks of downtown.

For almost an hour, we walked around and didn't stop to do anything or look in any stores. Somehow I had managed to keep (Y/BF/N) by my side as I walked, making sure that she didn't stray into some store that I wouldn't want to go into just yet. Besides, all she had asked me to do was walk downtown, never asked me if I wanted to shop with her.

"Damn it woman, if you won't go in a store with me, then can you just wait outside? This store is having a HUGE sale and I really really love some of the things inside of there." (Y/BF/N) practically begged me as we stood outside one of their favorite stores. I chuckled slightly before nodding, gaining a kiss on the cheek before I was left alone. I moved to lean against the window of the store, humming softly to myself while moving my head this way and that to go along with my humming.

"You know, I thought that I was the only person that did that." I heard a familiar voice suddenly say, causing me to gasp slightly when I finally recognized where I had heard that voice from before. Looking up from a certain spot on the sidewalk, I smile happily and blushed slightly when I saw the beautiful girl standing in front of me once again. It was Ally, looking as stunning as ever.

"Well, now you know that you're not the only one that hums to themselves." I said softly, my cheek still flushed at the fact that she had caught me humming and nodding my head like someone that was out of their mind. I stood up off of the wall and looked over at Ally, offering her a shy smile as I shoved my hands in the pockets of my pants, biting my lip a little shyly as well.

"Awe, don't get all shy on me now. It's actually rather cute." Ally said softly, adding a little giggle at the end of the sentence when I looked up at her slightly, showing her that my cheeks had reddened even more.

"N-no it doesn't... I-it makes me look like I-I'm some crazy person talking to myself.." I mumbled shyly while still looking down at my feet, my shoes having become rather interesting since the last time I had looked at them.

"Then you're the cutest crazy person that I have ever seen." Ally said while smiling happily, not knowing that her words had caused my heart to skin a beat and my pulse to quicken slightly. Slowly looking away from my shoes, I looked up at her and smiled a little when I noticed the cute little blush on her own cheeks.

"I'll take that as a compliment. So, enjoying the view of downtown?" I asked while removing my hands from my pockets, gesturing to the street that we were currently standing on, smiling happily which somehow gained a giggle from Ally.

"Well, let's just say this little shopping trip got a lot better the moment that I spotted you." Ally said while playing with her fingers slightly, her cheeks flushing a little. I couldn't help but smile wider as I placed my hands in my pockets once again before striking up a conversation with her about how she was liking downtown so far.

We talked for a little bit until Ally got distracted by her name being called. I looked over in the direction that she did and saw the rest of the girls calling her over, telling her that they needed to get going if they were going to get to look at all of the stores they had in mind. Ally looked at me with a 'I'm sorry' look on her face but I quickly dismissed it, telling her that I understood and that she should get going.

After she said her goodbye, she turned to walk off towards the other girls but I stopped her by reaching out and taking a hold of her wrist, stopping her in her track.

"I-I um... I made the mistake of not asking you this last time, so I'm going to do it now. I-Is there any way that I can get your phone number...?" I asked hesitantly. She turned to face me and pulled out her phone while smiling happily. Ally unlocked her phone, typing a few things in before she handed it to me.

I took the phone from her and got ready to input my number, though I stopped for a moment when I saw what she had saved my contact name as.

The Beautiful (Y/N)

I smiled and giggled slightly to myself before I put my number in and then saved it before handing the phone back to her. She smiled happily before putting her phone away and then walked to catch up with the girls once again.

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