CH 4 : Pawn

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Laying on her bed, she absently gaze upon the infinite space behind her window. When she was 10 years old, she would be a hundred kilometers away from the stars.

"He is sick, Commander."

Was what Yaya told Koko Ci when Boboiboy's presence--or lack thereof--are questioned. She told him the boy is promptly send home, and does her best to assure her Commander that it's not a fatal illness. And it took another ounce of effort to not make a suspicion of herself.

Clinking sounds from Ying's desk stole her attention again. Her friend has been tinkering with something since before Yaya enters their dorm an hour ago.

Ying, having noticed her friend's frequent head-turns, pulls up her goggles to her hair, "Haiya, sorry sorry! Am i disturbing your sleep?"

The hijabi girl smiles and shakes her head, "No, it's fine. I was just daydreaming."

Shrugging, Ying turns back to her work, "Don't be mind tripping too much," she holds a gadget, inspecting it, "it will ruin your concentration."

Yaya gets up from her bed, growing curiosity for the time-wielder's work, "What are you making?" she peeks from Ying's shoulder, "i've never guessed you were the engineering type."

Ying's head perks up, but not turning around, "Come to think of it, i've never told you guys about this, huh?" she then feels around beneath her desk, and pulls out a drawer on her side. It's a chockful of little robots and gadgets, yellow and blue, most of them looks unfinished though.

"I've actually always has been interested in Robotics and Computer Science. I usually make stuff in Nut's workshop though, sometimes i bring some of these home on off days."

"As for this," she continues, "it's... something to... help. It's to help Boboiboy, and since yesterday i..." Ying takes a breath, "i just, felt, the urgency to finish this as soon as possible. So that's why i'm bothering you with me doing this in--"

"Hey, hey," Yaya can't help but place a hand on her friend's shoulder, grounding the girl's senses, "you don't need to burden yourself too much, okay? It's not your responsibility that this is happening, you just want to help him, right? We all do.

It's okay to ask for help, i think Gopal is free right now. I can call him and maybe... we can help?"

Yaya poses a hand on her own hips, "Also, you SHOULD'VE asked for my help! You're not the only smart girl in this room, you know?"

Yaya smiles when she hears Ying's giggles, "Okay, moooom..." Ying answers beneath her laugh.

A beep from Yaya's power watch cuts their laughs. It's a voice note from Fang, she plays the message and turns up the volume so Ying can also hear.

"Yaya, if you're not busy, visit me and Ochobot in my spaceship quick. Come alone with the route i sent. If you can't, just ask Ying or Gopal if they're free.

You might want to see this. See you."

And seconds later, a map of the ship with marked routes is sent to her.

"Aww, sorry Ying, looks like i can't help you for now," Yaya frowns.

"Pssh! Naaah it's fineee. I got this. About time that that hedgehog asks for help anyway, so you go help them," Ying waves her off.

With that, Yaya takes her leave. But before far, she hurries back for a quick question, "I'll help you another time?"

Ying gives her an approval thumb, refocusing on her work.

Now Yaya really takes her leave. She fast-walks through halls and rooms following Fang's route, few are unknown to her. She walked past the room from yesterday, frustated janitors circling around the tough shining crystal. Her steps quickens at one point, only realizing she had been running when she arrives at the station's spaceship port's entrance.

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