Eight? Qweston mark?

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Nighteye tapped his heel nervously at the third red light. Was the universe trying to help him? He didn't need its help. "So, has...the kid eaten today?"

Gang Orca flinched and lowered his head. "I don't know, the sitter was supposed to feed him. I gave them food money, enough to buy the restaurant if they wanted to."

Selkie sniffed from the backseat and crossed her hands over her heart. "But that horrid sitter probably disrespected this great father in front of his lovely son, to which he valiantly came to his father's defense. Who knows whether poor Izuku had the stomach to eat around that curse?"

Sirius glanced around disappointedly. "I wanted to say that...when did you get in the car anyway?"

"I want to see the young seal!"

Sir Nighteye gave Selkie an unamused look in the mirror. "How did you know about that?"

The seal hero smiled. "Sea folk love to talk!"

"I can tell," Nighteye whispered.

Gang Orca let out a click before coughing and pointing to a Burrito Gong. "Shall we pick up food there?"

Sirius, as unaware of the sudden tension as Gang Orca was, clapped her hands. "Yeah! You're treat!"

"No," Nighteye said, turning on his blinker, "I'll pay."

"Har! I'll pay! Everyone knows us water heroes bag more cash!"

"I'll pay."

"I'll pay! You drive!"

"I said-"

"Welcome to Burrito Gong, what would you like tonight?"

Sirius leaned over the two arguing men. "Five Fiesta Packs-make that 7 please and can three of them be fish tacos? Two Mega Human slushies. One blueberry and one raspberry, one banana Middle Human slushie, and two regular human blueberry slushies. We'd like two Giant orders of cookies, one chocolate and one sugar. To finish off also three giant salads and extra hot sauce please."

"That brings your order to 148.54! Would you like to round up to 150 to donate to charity?"


"Please pull up to the pat window and then to waiting spot number one, thank you!"


Sirius boxed Nighteye's ears. "I'll pay." She leaned over to Sakamata. "When I say 'I', I mean 'you'. 'Gang Orca'. 'Sakamata'. You feel me?"

Sakamata sighed and pulled out his wallet.

Nighteye held his breath as a muscular body leaned over him to pay.

Selkie leaned into his ear. "Better not catch a sword fish right now."

Sirius smacked him.


"Izuku?" Sirius called, entering the home. "Izuku we're back!"

"Izuku?" Gang Orca called over a mountain of boxes. "I have food!"

A pitter-patter-thump pattern spurred into action. Izuku rushed down the steps and jumped into Sirius's arms. "Dad! You're back!"

"He truly does look like you," Sasaki hummed.

"Dad?" Izuku whispered. "Are those pro heroes Sir Nighteye and Selkie?"

"That we are!" Selkie laughed. "You can just call me Onishi."

"And my name is Mirai."

"Are you guys joining us for dinner?" Izuku couldn't hide his wagging tail.

Selkie pulled out his phone and took a group picture. "Of course we are!"

Sasaki groaned. "I forgot you were worse than the paparazzi."

"Hey!" Onishi barked as he helped set the food down. "This one is just for me."

Sasaki raised his brow and set the two smaller slushies next to Izuku and Sirius. "This is a first."

"Sounds like *somebody* doesn't want to know about All Might's lover."

Sasaki bit angrily into his taco. "How does everybody but me know about this?"

"It's not everybody," Sirius said, "just us sea folk. Now smile!" She took another picture. "*This* one is for HeroNet!"

"Dad," Izuku whispered. "What's hero net?"

Sakamata leaned over and ignored the squabbling heroes. "A network only for pro heroes, the password changes a lot but it's mainly Net Secure who protects it. I'll tell you about them later, now here, we have the same flavour!"

Sakamata and Izuku clacked their cups together and drank their slushies.

With pained faces Onishi and Sasaki gave Sirius venomous glares.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," She smiled innocently. "I didn't realize I had given you three primary colours."


"Hey, Sakamata," Sirius perked up. "When are ya gonna enroll Izuku in school?"

Sakamata scratched his head. "I'm thinking about putting him in a private school, like the one the Ida's go to. I have a meeting with the Ida family next week. He's a smart boy, I tried having him go on some online learning websites to see if he would be behind or not and he's not that far off." Sakamata patted Izuku's head.

"I'm going to go give these two a quick tour of the house, see you soon!"

"Wow, she didn't even finish her taco," Sakamata mused.


It was clear on their faces that the two pro heroes did not like Izuku's bed.

"I take it Hawks bought this?" Sasaki asked.

"Yep!" Sirius nodded. "Best Jeanist made an entire wardrobe to fit Izuku's tail too!"

Selkie sniffed. "Why did you bring us here?"

Sirius smiled. "Because I like watching you all fight over my boss, duh."

Selkie tsked. Well, it was more of a click.

"Gee," Sirius said, putting a finger on her cheek. "I wonder what the eldest Ida brother will do when he sees Sakamata? Or what about his sister? Sakamata is very attractive."

Sasaki waved her away and left. "Damn troublemaker."


Hawks was flying over the city, peacefully doing his patrols when his hero partner plucked him from the sky.

"What is it?"

Blue Knight waved a phone in front of Hawk's face. "Looks like you're not the only one wanting to call dibs on Sakamata."

Hawks wanted to break the phone.

"Go ahead," Blue Knight yawned. "I bought it with my dad's card."

Hawks slammed the phone onto the ground.


Tensei Ida rolled lazily around in his bed.

Until Tenya smacked him with a pillow. "Get up!" Tenya ushered. "Today's the day Gang Orca visits! A pro hero! At our home!!!!"

Tensei simply put the pillow over his head and rolled back into slumber.

(Fiesta pack=12. mega=7.34. middle=5.12. regular=3.02. giant cookie=8. giant salad=7.44.)










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