Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

~Book 3 is out. "Silk Skin and Smoke" I'm sure it's not a huge surprise but Tilly and Augustus are the main characters (Jake is also in it). I don't like calling it a sequel because it's more of a spin off. I set a warning because it's definitely the darkest of the 3 books. It's aesthetic and prologue are out, chapter one is coming soon🖤~

Althea's POV

I kept my eyes closed, my body was drenched in sweat, my hair matted to my skull. The only thing I could do was pray to the moon goddess whenever the heat would come searing up my throat. Everything hurt, breathing was something I had to actively remind myself to do.

I felt Brais move the wet hair from my face as I whimpered in agony. His touch would cool the skin underneath it. My wolf was delirious, she just wanted touched. I could hear her whine linking onto Brais. I couldn't control her needs. Not only was it shameful but it was wrong.

'He's not Arlo' I'd remind her. But it felt like she wasn't even able to hear me over her screeching cry. Brais went to pull his hand from my face, but I reached for him. Opening my eyes, I pulled his hand to my neck, taking advantage of the cool touch he provided.

"Thea." Cain warned me. I didn't pay him any mind. I only stared into Brais' yellow orbs and cherished the cold feel of his hand wrapped around my throat.

My eyes fluttered shut when he moved his fingers up, behind my ear and into my damp hair. The cool friction of his hand had my heat sinking deeper into my core. I was lost in myself. It wasn't until a moan crept up my throat that I realized what I was doing.

My eyes opened in a flash, seeing the tentative way he stared at my parted lips. I pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry." I breathed. Brais' nostrils were flared, as it took a different kind of pain for him to distance himself from me.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be touching you." He shook his head, tearing his eyes from me.

"More restraint than I thought you had." Cain chirped toward him.

"I've had enough of your mouth." Brais sneered. There was a tug at Cain's lips as he scooted further back onto my bed, laying his back against the wall and lifting my legs to his lap. Cain's touch was also icy on my skin. I went to pull them away but he wrapped his fingers around my ankle, keeping my legs glued to him.

"Cain stop." I panted, fisting the blanket beneath me. I had already crossed a line, it was obvious I was no longer in charge of what man cooled my heat. Cain was the last person I wanted bringing me relief.

"Don't be prideful, my touch is helping." He ignored my plea. Another wave of hot lava coursed through my veins. I buried my face into the pillow, muffling my cry. Cain slid his hand up my calve, I froze under his touch. My cry morphed to a moan as his hand reached my thigh.

'Stop, please stop.' I begged my wolf to take the pleasure away. My toes curled, I felt my slick arousal leaking over my thighs. Being turned on by Cain was worse than the pain of my heat. I tugged the hem of my shirt between my thighs and groaned into the pillow as the unbearable urge to grind against my palm invaded my mind.

"Let me help Thea. Please." Cain whispered, he sounded caught up in the lust as his hand moved higher. I was stone against this bed, I didn't mistake my tears for sweat. I was crying, from the losing battle in my head, from the obvious betrayal in craving this tainted touch.

"Please stop." I murmured into the pillow. I wasn't only talking to Cain, but myself as well.

"Enough Cain!" Brais raised his voice. I could feel Cain's hand stop just short from feeling the mess he had caused me. I clutched my ice, finally pulling my face from the wet fabric. Brais wanted to rip Cain's hands off of me, but he was scared to come close. Scared he himself might very well finish what Cain started.

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