Teach-Her Your Stuff

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"Hello again, Alissa." The thing in the black robe floated toward me.

"What do you want, dude?" I asked it.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on leveling up your ability more." The robed figure said.

"But why? Did I do something correctly or something?" I asked.

"Yes, because instead of saying names, now you can bump into someone and become them!" The figure announced proudly.

"But, there is a bit of a downside to this." The figure says.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"The downside of it is that it has a cool down of about 50 minutes."

"I can work with that. I already spent hours in many celebrity bodies." I said.

"Glad to hear that, Holm. Now, you can still ask me your questions. Just don't make them hard for me." The figure says to me.

"What if I touch a person who's dying somewhere?" I questioned the figure.

The figure starts to panic after I asked them that question.

"What about if I touched a dead person? Will it reject my request?" I asked the figure.

"Oh, umm... crap, I forgot about those other rules. Just... congrats on your progress so far, Beckholm."

The figure then disappears in a cloud of smoke in front of me.

Life slowly rolls back in my eyes.


I walked down the hallways of my school with a notebook in my arm.

Damn, so now I have to control my power with my classmates?

"So I can now touch/bump into people without saying their names to switch bodies. I really liked being in Ariana's body though." I said.

I looked around to see if anyone tries to bump into me.

There is people around me walking on the other side of the hall so I need to be extra careful right now.

Even the slightest touch will cause me and them to switch bodies.

I somehow grabbed a grappling hook out of the blue and shot it at the roof of this floor.

The hook came fast out of the thing and grabbed onto the ceiling.

I flew upward and hung there from the trigger of the gun.

A teacher walked up to me and saw me do that.

They then asked me, "What are you doing up there?"

"I'm being careful Ms. Dari. I can actually switch bodies with anyone that touches me, including me and you. Just let me be and don't intervene with me at all." I explained simply.

"That's the most nonsense excuse I've heard Alissa. Now come down from there." The teacher told me.

"No. You won't believe me still. I told you I can switch bodies with any random person by just touching them." I told them once more.

"Okay, I'm just gonna grab you down from there because this is starting to get annoying and awkward." The teacher says as they grabbed my legs.

"Wait, no!" I said as my head starts to hurt.

My vision went haywire when the teacher did that.

The teacher fell down holding onto me which pulled me down with her.


My eyes were now in another place.

I saw me/the teacher and the teacher/me in another spot.

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