All About Danielle (Bonus)

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[Danielle's POV, 2021]


Can't believe it's already 2021.

Glad that shitshow of a year is over.

I look behind me and saw that Alissa was sleeping on Damian's lap.

Some people pulled out their phones to take pictures of Alissa.

"Hey! Don't take pictures of her sleeping." Damian said to them.

"Aww." I said quietly then took a sip of my beer in a red solo cup.

"And there we have it viewers, the ball has dropped, and the new year has begun. We, from Channel 6, wish you luck in the new year."


A few minutes later, Alissa woke up with a jolt.

Did she have a nightmare or something?

In the distance, I could hear, "Umm, yeah, yeah." come from her mouth.

Alissa got up from the couch to head to the restroom.

I wanted to ask her what happened, so I followed her.

"Alissa, are you okay? You seemed a bit off back there with Damian." I asked her.

"No Danielle. It's just that... while I was asleep on the couch, I had some kind of weird dream. In it, I could switch bodies with people." She explained.

"That's... kind of weird, but it seems really cool. Anyways, happy new year!" I said to her.

"Happy new year to you too. Also, what is that you're wearing?" Alissa asked me.

"Oh, that? It's one of my band members' jackets. I'm borrowing it from them." I said.

"And that?" Alissa asked, head tilted to my guitar in my hands.

"My guitar? It's because me and some friends here are going to leave in a few for practice at my house. We have a place at a music festival in the morning." I explained to her.

"And that? I have never seen you with this thing on before." She noted my ring.

"That's my ring. I got engaged to someone months ago." Danielle says.

"You got engaged and you didn't tell me?! (sigh) I wish I could live your life for a day, just to know what old Danielle thinks." Alissa wished.

The exact thing happened seconds after she wished it.

The floor started moving under us.

"Oh god, it's an earthquake!" Alissa yelled while people were screaming in the background.

Cups and people were falling all over the place.

"It's my only chance!" I yelled to Alissa as I open the bathroom door.

"No!" Alissa yelled as she ran to me.

Alissa then dives at me.

Danielle's head collides with the bathroom door, knocking her unconscious.

"Danielle! Oh god, oh god!" Alissa says as she tries to wake up Danielle.

Multiple people were heard screaming like hell in the background.

Then, a beer puddle was forming under Alissa's feet.

"Please, please Dani. Wake u- woah!" Alissa slips on the puddle and hits the bathroom door.

She drops unconscious Danielle in the process.


I woke up after getting shaken from Alissa... or what I think sounds like her.

"Danielle, wake up! We have a new problem!" Alissa yelled in my face.

I rubbed my eyes to better see... myself looking at me? What the hell is happening here?

"Whoa! Holy shit!" I backed up out of fear.

"Calm down. It's gonna be okay, Danielle." Alissa said.

Her voice strangely sounds a lot like mine for some reason.

"Stay back! I'm not afraid... to..." I stopped.

MY voice sounds like Alissa's! What even is happening?

"I know you're confused a ton right now, but let's take it slow for now." Alissa calmly said.

"Why am I in your body?" I asked her.

"I don't know! It probably has to do with that wish I said to you. Yeah, it's most likely that." Alissa says.

"God, I have that festival performance in the morning with my band. What am I gonna do?!" I panicked.

"I took a few lessons with a guitar in music class, so I should be able to convince them I'm you." Alissa said as she held my guitar.

"That sounds like a good plan. Just don't break my guitar. I spent some of my paycheck on that thing." I told her.

Just now, my band appeared right behind Alissa.

I started sweating profusely.

"Hey Danielle." Chris said.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" Alissa replied.

"We gotta go. We have a performance tomorrow at that music festival the manager put us in." Chris explained to Alissa.

I was hearing everything that's happening right now. Every detail of it.

"O-okay. Lemme just... get a quick stretch here." Alissa said and bent backward.

I heard one of her bones snap during her stretch.

Alissa walked over to Jamie, the lead singer of our group.

She grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her.

"I'll give you your body back tomorrow morning, Danielle. Just let me do this quick task for you, okay?" Alissa whispered to me.

I gave her a thumbs-up as Jamie dragged her out the door.

God, what am I gonna do? I can't hang out with Damian!

"Babe? You good?" Damian asked me.

"Oh, um, yup! Everything's okay, Damian." I said, panicked.

"Look, I know you're panicking a lot right now. That's okay, get the stress out of you." Damian then breathed in and out.

Why am I doing this thing with him?

"I don't know why I'm doing this with you." I said.

"It's because you looked off back there. I wanted to know if you were str-"

"I'm not stressed, Damian! God damn." I said then went into the bathroom.

I closed the door and sat down on the toilet.

Now I'm gonna have to deal with him while being in Alissa's body. My year is already over.


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