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*Mirabel Pov*

                                After breakfast my mom said she wanted to speak tome, I started panicking when I walked into my moms room she did not look happy not mad she looked sad. "what happened to you leg?" (don't expect any Spanish from me I don't know shit) my mom asked " well umm when I was walking on town yesterday a cat kinds of attacked me but it was just my leg" I lied to my mom I can't lie to her but I did some how, I just didn't want her to know I was doing self harm, "ok I guess" my mom said with a happier face. I walked out and went straight to my room.later that night it was about 8:30 and I just got back to my room from dinner, I grabbed the knife from my desk started cutting my legs, but in mid cut Antonio walked in I turned to him with blood tripping from my legs. he ha tears in his eye and was clearly scared and ran to his room. I let him go there was no point he either won't tell anyone or tell everyone. I didn't even clean up the blood I just went to sleep. when I woke up the next morning and there was blood all over my bed sheets, I got up got dressed and went down for breakfast. I sat down at the table and everyone looked normal except Antonio of course but he didn't tell anyone so its just a matter of time till he for gets it ever happened. "ok before we start talking about the day, Antonio would like to say something" Abuela said, oh no oh no oh no I started to panic. "yesterday night when I walked in to Mirabel's room to say good night but she was cutting her legs with a knife and there was blood every where. all eyes where on me  I ran from my chair and our the house..............

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