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*Mirabel Pov*

                        we walked into the dining room and we all sat down in a chair. "I think we should talk about our feelings" Julieta said with a small smile on her face,  I just sat in my chair and looked at my feet under the table I didn't feel like talking first, actually I didn't want to talk at all. "we don't have time for this" Abeula said as she glared at Mirabel "Mama!" said Tià Pepa "what she is just being dramatic" now that made my blood boil I ran to my room and locked the door. "CASITA DO NOT LET ANYONE IN !"  I said with a pissed look on my face 

--------------- later that night-------------- 

*Mirabel Pov* 


                              I sometimes think my family is stupid, they literally left the knife in here with me like what the fuck, or maybe they were to shocked and forgot to grab it, but I had it so while I still can I one as well make use out of it. I grabbed the knife and I didn't care were I cut any more but I started slashing my arms, legs I couldn't stop like I was blinded by my rage for Abuela 



                                   I couldn't sleep worried about Mirabel, "wait did we take the knife out of her room?" I asked my self nervously then I heard the sound of slashing I freaked out a bit and listened more closely and heard blood dripping. I ran out of my room and into the hall I started pounding on the door screaming and eventually the others heard and came running out of their rooms. while I was screaming crying, then Julieta started crying knowing what's happening and joined banging on the door with me. Pepa had a thunder storm over her head. " let's just go back to bed" Abuela said. when I tell you I have never seen Tiá Julieta get so mad I thought all hell was gonna break loose, then Antonio came out of his room asking what is happening Papa went to go to Antonio to calm him down so he wouldn't see what's in Mirabel's room if we were able to open the door. after we were banging on the door for about 5 more minutes we weren't giving up, we heard a a thumb coming from her room it sounds like someone had fallen to the ground. then casita opened the door. I gasped at the sight, I had seen mirabel's almost lifeless body on the ground. Antonio ran into the room hoping to see Mirabel ok, but he was wrong way wrong he cried so hard it broke my heart. Julieta ran down stairs and got some left overs and forced her to eat it

"Mama??" mirabel said looking blank.

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