🍢 Chapter 10 🍢

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Sasuke's house was nothing short of a pigsty with dancing pigs in it- Sasuke's words, not mine.

As you might've guessed, the dark haired prince absolutely detested parties. It was his mother's idea to host one, 'you don't turn eighteen twice', she said and she started planning all this mayhem behind his back.

Since the harm was done already Sasuke just revamped his mother's cheesy 18th birthday party plans into a potlatch masquerade one. It was mainly because he didn't want to see the horrendous make up he knew some girls would wear- the masquerade part of the party that is.

Throwing a potlatch was for another reason. Another reason you would find out about in another chapter. Towards the end of the story. Then you'd cry. So prepare tissues because there's angst in this romcom of a book.

While waiting for the main event, that is Sasuke tasting all of the desserts that were brought to the party- and thank God the party was based strictly on invitation because the amount of sweets in here were already making Sasuke's stomach churn without even tasting it- people danced and hung around.

Naruto was somewhere in the house stuffing himself full with food and talking to his other best friend who came all the way from Sunagakure for Sasuke's birthday. His name was Gaara and he was cool and all but Naruto always forgot Sasuke existed whenever he was around.

No. He didn't just sound like a jealous schoolgirl because he was not. He fully understood that the two seldom saw each other outside video calls and stuff so they needed the time to catch up so he wasn't jealous and angry that his extrovert best friend left him (an introvert to the core) to suffer alone to help his other introvert to the core best friend.

He wasn't.

The noise was too much, the lights too bright and the people too rowdy. Let's not even get started on the colours in here! Horrible, bright, eye blinding colours of dresses were everywhere! Disgusting.

"You look like you're going to poop in your pants any moment from now."

Sasuke's already scrunched up face squeezed further till he was looking more like a loaf bread that somebody sat on than an handsome prince. He didn't need his cousin to add more to his problems.

"Go away."


It was worth a shot. A for effort, Sasuke.

Everyone continued dancing, drinking fruit juice and communicating while Sasuke brooded in a corner. He hid himself from the crowd (obviously) to avoid well wishers, marriage proposals and the press but unfortunately for him the time to emerge was drawing near.

Meanwhile Sakura and Ino got into an argument about who would win Sasuke's hand in a dance with a redhead girl named Karin. In case you were wondering, his mother invited those two and Karin was automatically invited since she was Naruto's cousin.

Because there was no way Sasuke would ever invite them himself. To be fair he invited nobody; his mom and Naruto handled that aspect.

"Thank you all for coming, I am so glad you're here to celebrate my son's eighteenth birthday with him." Mikoto, Sasuke's mother's voice filtered in through the speakers and the boy paled.

Uh oh.

The time to inevitably show himself was here. Sasuke considered ditching the entire thing but Sai dutifully dragged him out of his safe corner and placed him in the spotlight. That mustard.

People clapped and cheered despite Sasuke's scowly face as he walked majestically down the numerous stairs to the living room. He was sporting a white tuxedo with dark blue trimmings that matched his hair colour. He gelled his hair back for the occasional which would have highlighted his jawline and eyes if not for his mask. Still girls fainted because he was hot.

Sasuke did the customary wave and smile which caused more people to be wheeled out on a stretcher. Mikoto sighed into the mic as she wiped a tear from her face. Her boy had grown a lot, hadn't he?

Various people were given an opportunity to talk about Sasuke and his virtues. His mum, of course, went first followed by his dad and Naruto (who was bonked on the head by the celebrant before he said too much) and Sai (who was not given the opportunity to say more than a sentence before his foul mouth filter expired).

Other people spoke about him but Sasuke paid no attention to them. He blatantly refused one girl's bold marriage proposal though and everyone laughed at how 'shy' he was being. Then he was forced to address the crowd by his mother which was annoying.

God, he hated parties so much!

The taste tasting was uneventful. Stomach churning but eventful. Sasuke didn't like sweets, in fact he hated them. Why then did he make the meal theme for the party dessert? He had his reasons.

Whatever he was looking for in this party though, he couldn't find. Most of them were too sweet and obviously not homemade. Meanwhile Naruto was chomping away on the discarded desserts and assessing them.

The contestants didn't need the blond's assessment though; they were already too heart broken by Sasuke to listen to anybody else.

Sakura's heart thumped so loud that Ino looked at her weirdly for a moment before shrugging her suspicion off. Her turn was drawing close! Would Sasuke like her croissants? Would he hate it?

However before Sasuke could even get to the table before hers, a loud yelp distracted him. All heads turned in time to see the source of the yelp, a late comer who had stumbled into the living room, falling flat on the floor.

Her baked goods poured from the box she placed them and scattered across the floor. If the floor could open up on command Sakura was sure the girl would have gone under a long time ago. That was so embarrassing!

Sasuke was the first among every other person to get to her and help her up because his mother taught him to be a gentleman. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Y-yeah, I guess?" His outstretched hand went unseen as the girl's covered eyes caught sight of her sprawled desserts. With an horrified exclamation she started picking them up.

Sasuke did too. They were warm to feel and from what he could smell they were cinnamon buns. When they finished picking up the snacks Sasuke asked if he could taste one of them. "Can I?"

"O-oh you want to? I mean yes. Yes you can." The girl pushed the box into his chest rather roughly and she squeaked in horror. "Sorry!" She clearly didn't mean to jab him with the box; she was nervous. It was amusing how she stumbled over herself.

"I hope your cinnamon buns are worth the whole fiasco then." Upon Sasukie joke, the girl's nervousness dissipated and a self confident smile widened her pale lips.

"You bet."

For a reason she sounded familiar to Sasuke but there were more pressing matters than her voice right now so Sasuke ignored it.

He took a bite out of the cinnamon buns and he gasped, as if electrified. A sudden rush of nostalgia filled him, much to the extent that a tear fell from his eye. They tasted so similar...

"Eek! D-do you not like it?!" The masked girl was rapidly breaking down because of his tear so Sasuke quickly wiped it away with a small smile. This was what he was looking for.

"Well," he announced, "we have a winner."

And of course Sakura was enraged.


Dun dun dun!!!

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