A mind in the dark

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Trapped in the dark depths of my mind,
Alone, cold and confused,
The path ahead is narrow and winding,
It leads into the unknown abis.

An eary forest surrounds my path,
Demons they lurk in the darkness,
Soft whispers of fear and lies,
I try to focus on the path ahead,
But the demons they throw me off course.

Lost and confused in the darkness,
They tell me I can't be helped,
Noone cares if I rot here,
who would notice,
You're a failure, give up dont bother,
The demons whisper to me,
again and again.
I try my hardest to block out the noise,
With thoughts of love and hope instead.

I escape from the dark forest
only to find myself back on the same winding path,
I keep going and don't look back,
All I see is darkness,
The light must be coming soon,
When will this path end?
Where will this path end?

The whispers they come again they tell me I won't make it into the light,
I'm not worthy of it,
An ameture to even try,
The whispers they consume me,
They pull and they drag and they burn,
Until I'm lost from the path yet again.

Back in the darkness of the forest,
I stop,
What now?
Do I give up?
What if there's nothing for me out there, will I even belong?

The demons they whisper the intensity rising,
I mustn't listen, I have to keep going,
I try to run,
I feel them chasing, closing in,
I run and I run,


I hit something,
Here in the darkness of the forest,
I reach out with my hand to feel,
The coldness it shocks my fingertips,
I press my hand against this mysterious object,
The clouds start to pass revealing the light of the moon,
She shines high in the sky and allows me to see,
A mirror, the object is a mirror.

I gulp,
Afraid of what I might see behind me,
I look closely,
My quivering reflection starring back at me,
I look closer,
Trees sway in the gentle breeze,
But there's noone behind me,
The demons, where are they?
I was sure I heard them, they were just here,
A whisper again, its the same voices
But there's noone else here?...

There's only me,

Its all in my mind,
There are no demons here,
Only the dark depths of my thoughts,
The never ending battle,
A tear caresses my cheek,
Theres noone dragging me here,

It is only I,

I cant stay here in this place,
I gaze at my reflection and give her a gentle kiss,
"I'm sorry" I say and I leave making my way back to the winding path,
The moon she glows lighting my way,
I have no idea where I'm headed but I'm determined to make it there.

Healing through poetry حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن