The Investigation Begins...

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Standing stock still, I stare over at the little girl who is now bounding over towards us. A dark-haired man quickly follows her out.

"Sorry everyone, I tried to keep her at bay but she is rather...insistent..." The man explains as his eyes look over the girls before inevitably landing on me. They narrow for an instant before he resumes his melancholy expression. "Oh? I didn't know we had a guest..." his voice trails off as he looks to Nicolae for an explanation. Nicolae smiles gently at the man before explaining.

"Hello Peter, this is Elektra, she was kind enough to drop off our girls..." Nicolae explains, before the little girl pipes up.

"Why all the chatting? I want to play!" she yells as a fond smile comes over my features. I never knew my niece to be so insistent...all the girls collectively sigh as they move to attend the little girl.

"Lorie we've explained to you before that we have school, we can't be here all the time to play..." Vanessa says with a weary look on her beautiful features. The little girl stomps her foot.

"Well I've been waiting for hours! Come on!" She exclaims before looking at me, "who are you?!" she asks in a similar tone, a look of mistrust on her little face. I smile fondly at her before kneeling down to address her.

"My name is Elektra, it's lovely to meet you..." I say gently as the little girl approaches me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, calmer than before, however I can tell she is still cautious. I suppose it's part of her vampiric nature. I hide my sadness before replying.

"I came here to drop off your lovely nannies, I apologize for the delay..." I bow my head submissively, looking hopefully up at the little girl. To my delight, her features seem to soften.

"Yes, well...don't let it happen again!" she asserts before running back into the manor, Peter and the blonde-haired vampire following quickly after her. "Don't be late! I want to play!" the girls all sigh once more before slowly trudging into the manor. I smile and wave to them before making my way back to my car.

"Elektra?" I hear a gentle voice behind me, in response I turn around to see Vanessa and Nicolae standing near me. I smile once more before addressing her.

"Yes Vanessa?" a slight blush comes across her cheeks as she looks down before saying...

"Thank you...for today...I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there..." I take a deep breath and smile fondly at her.

"Don't mention it, but please, do let me know if you have any more problems..." I say to both her and Nicolae. Might as well try to make a good impression.

"Yes well, I unfortunately do not attend the university, so your assistance in keeping her safe..." he looks fondly at Vanessa as she smiles at him... "would be greatly appreciated." I nod once more before heading back to my car.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure all of them are safe. See you round." I say firmly, asserting my intention before getting into my car. I wave to them as I start the engine. " the hell do I get home?" I ask myself before pulling out my phone. To my surprise, I have a text message...from Sohan.

Can we talk?

Three little words, so simple, yet with so much meaning behind them. I respond with a quick "When and where?" before starting to pull off into the main street. Instead of driving home, I instead make my way back to the university. Who knows...maybe he'll still be there?

As I pull up into the parking lot, I check my phone once more, to see Sohan asking me to meet him at the library. I stride confidently into the main building before entering the library. I find Sohan's brown mop of hair at the very back, near one of the old wooden bookcases. He doesn't appear to have noticed me, and so I silently advance towards him.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I ask him, causing him to jump a bit as he notices that I'm right behind him.

"Man Elektra, you startled me. I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon..." he starts looking shifty, as if he feared someone overhearing us.

"My car is parked nearby; would you like to speak there?" I offer, noting his look of relief mixed with surprise at my offer. He smiles gently and nods, as we both start to make our way out towards the parking lot. Once inside, he exhales in a shaky manner before looking at me.

"You must be wondering why I asked you here..." he says nervously, while looking at me with hope in his eyes. I prepare myself accordingly.

"It's not the first time I've had one of these talks, but I have to say, it's usually other women coming to me for advice..." hearing this, Sohan lets out a wry chuckle before continuing.

"The truth is...I've known about you for a long time..." I stiffen slightly. Know about me? As in...

"Through your investigative work and your sense of justice, I've looked up to you for a long time." His green eyes peer into my hazel ones as I maintain my steely gaze. If by some unnatural means, he's found out about my being an Amazon...

"I've wanted to meet you for a long time Elektra, I've been having some struggles recently that I think you can relate to..." I discreetly let out a sigh, it doesn't seem he does know. Looking down, his face painted with distress, he started telling his story.

"My parents were murdered when I was a young boy," he starts telling me. Now that hits me. Images of my own mother's murder at the hands of the Templars begin flashing through my mind. "I know exactly who their killers are, and yet I can't do anything..."

I sit there awkwardly, slightly confused and unable to proceed. Violence and death is more my forte, not comforting people. Although...I always just took matters into my own hands when it came to those who had wronged me. a different story.

"I've always felt so alone, and then I heard about you..." he looks back up at me.  "How your investigative talents are unmatched in your field, I always wondered what gave you such drive..." his voice trails off. We both understand.

"You know about my mother then?" I ask him straightforwardly, and he nods back.

"I think we understand each other...what it's like to lose people we looked up to. It's why I asked to talk." Sohan then squares up, takes a deep breath and then says...

"Will you help me?"

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